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Hey guy's it's Stella and As you may have noticed YFQ has yet another new cover except this one was made by an exceptionally talented Reader; who did a wonderful job and that reader is https://sphotos-a-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/547372_100498223485727_805938347_n.jpg who is amazing haha you should alsocheckout her stories they are brilliant haha Well anyways thanks to my favorite person in the world rt now who will be getting not only a dedication in this and the next chapter but a character in YFQ, which if you havent noticed is my way of saying thank you tou all of my  amazing readers not that tou arn't all amazing cause you guys are all amazing, haha Love ya guys Peace!

The Youtube Fashion Queen :)  (~Finn Harries~)Where stories live. Discover now