Chapter 1

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Some people say highschool is just another page of the book, well I don't agree with it cause its where I found who I really am


My alarm rang waking me up, I immediately stood up and went on our balcony and smelled the fresh air coming from the wonderful day "Connor get your ass downstairs before I pull you and you Weiner " my brother yelled "yeah yeah I'm coming" I rolled my eyes . I went downstairs and sat on my seat, I waited for my brother to turn around with an angry face cause its already 7:00 which means I'm super freaking late yet something strange happened, he turned around with the biggest grin I've ever seen. "What's with that?"I asked " what's with what?" He laughed "Dustin I'm your brother you can't hide anything from me" I smiled "I'm not hiding anything " he grinned "yeah right" I laughed " you better hurry you wouldn't wanna be late on your first day in class, remember first impression lasts " he smiled "okay I'm leaving but don't get to comfortable we are not yet through this convo " I rolled my eyes while picking up my bag

I headed to the bus stop which is the worst option for me yet is my only option urgh I really hate this type of situations, I rode the bus and I sat beside an old guy, let me rephrase that "a disgusting old maniac guy" he kept giving me winks and lip bites which kinda not kinda but really creeps the hell out of me

Finally after a year in the bus I mean 10 mins in it I arrived school sweet Harvard university the school of the best and finest students in united States of america . I ran to the school counter to get my schedule for the whole week "good morning ma'am may I have my schedule?" I asked as polite as I could "name ?" The lady asked"Connor Franta " I smiled "okay here " she grinned fakely so if you are wondering why I am at Harvard university, well they have this program the so called"Harvard summer camp" and I am enrolled in it yay!

Subject.                   Time.                    Teacher
  Literature             6:30 -7:30              Ms.Tyler
     Mathematics.        7:30-9:00.              Mr.joey.  
Break 9:00-10:00
Science.           10:00-11:00.             Mr dillon
   History.                 11-12.               Ms.sings

What full sched for my first day and I am already late and haggard, stressed, scared, maybe I'm just feeling a little nervous about school, its normal cause its the freaking first day of school, well not just any school its freaking Harvard. I looked for the English department cause its 7:10 so I still have 20 mins left before that subject ends. I ran to an empty hall trying to look for the English dept. Yay!!! I found it at last

I felt nervous while approaching the door "Connor get it together " I mumbled to myself I turned the knob  and pushed the door and saw everyone staring at me "who are you?" The prof said aka ms.Tyler " I'm Connor franta "I sighed "take a seat "he said in disappointment . I saw no seats other than the one at the back beside the two twins who looks so bad ass which won't be a good thing for me, what? they might bully me

Mr. Franta are you gonna stand there or are you gonna sit down?!" Ms. Tyler rolled her eyes and I saw the two guys laughing.
I sat down beside the twins cause I had no choice other than that. "Class dismissed "ms. Tyler smiled "and Mr. Franta i need to talk to you now"she added I ran to her "what is it ma'am "I asked "tomorrow if you're late again you are gonna spend my time in the field while squatting, do I make myself clear?"she exclaimed "yes ma'am "I replied and walked out the room.

Suddenly one of the twins grabbed me by the shoulder and pushed me on the lockers " you think you're tough enough? Huh?"he yelled "sorry "I replied, wait why did I say sorry what did I do to him "jack stop that " his twin pulled him away "sorry for his attitude he's just not used to see new people" the guy smiled

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