Chapter 4

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I kept crying up all night cause this is the fucking first time i felt like this, i was never affected by any guy in my life.

I heard footsteps coming up so i immediately ran to the door to lock it, but i was too slow so louis was in my room staring at me with a smile.

"hey" he smiled "what do you need? " i raised my eyebrow "how was your day?" he asked "it was fine until you barged in my room "i rolled my eyes "really?, then why did i hear you cry and whine about these two boys? " he smiled "wait how'd you know about that?" my brows furrowed "well if you want to know the answer, then you might as well let me sit in your room" he smirked "okay you are welcome in my room " i faked a smile "so..."he started to get awkward "okay, if i tell you this promise me you wont tell Liam or anybody else okay?" i said "i promise" he smiled " you know i am in a summer camp right? Well there are two guys,twins to be exact they are bullying me " i replied "well why are they bullying you "he asked "i don't know " i answered "oh cmon connor i want to help you so you gotta let me in " he smiled "uhm what answer do you want?" i rolled my eyes "uhm let me guess ugh the truth" he said sarcastically "okay, it all started when we met and the other guy started bullying me and " my tears started to fall " and in the cafeteria during lunch he started to pick on you so you had no choice other than to fight him back end you end up falling asleep i mean unconscious, then the next few days you didn't go to school and started being air headed but when you saw me you felt anger and you told me you need to go to school then at the bus you met harry styles and you became friends... So now tell me are you crying because of him?" he continued my sentence for me "no i wasn't crying because of him he's more like my best friend. And how'd you know all about my whole freaking life? Are you stalking me ?"i cocked an eyebrow "its more like keeping an eye on you "he smiled "why?" i asked "because your bro told me so" he smiled "okay?" i replied " get down there silly boy. Eat your dinner i cooked pasta for you " he smiled "liar, you ordered that on nandos you idiot" i giggled "okay i did i just wanna make a good impression as your brother's best friend" He grinned "well its not working on me "i laughed "uhm by the way connor i found these in the mailbox earlier this morning "he smiled handing me and envelop "thanks " i smiled back i scanned the envelop for any clue whom this came from and all i see is a brown spaghetti ew gross, wair its not spaghetti its a curly hair so i opened it and saw an adorable card. My eyes were immediately glued at the bittom part bacause i saw a very unusual word, it says mom

Wow after 1 million years of leaving us and not even returning she's coming back
I opened the letter and saw 6 tickets fall down i turned around and started crumpling the whole letter

"hey Connor why'd you do that? Who sent it? "his brows furrowed "because its a piece of trash "i rolled my eyes "then the person who gave it must've been better than trash right cause that person just sent you 6 tickets to hong Kong Disney land with 6 plane tickets and 30000 dollars " he exclaimed "you can keep it all if you want "i replied "well i guess ill be the only one seeing mickey on his grand parade "he smirked "okay you got me so we'll go together "i smiled "you know there would be 4 tickets left right? "he asked "i am aware " i smiled proudly "so who are the lucky travel members"he raised an eyebrow " i guess i could give harry a call also niall that's all "i smiled "oh cmon you're not gonna waste this opportunity to makeup with jack and Finn right? "he raised an eyebrow " why should i even try if they already hate me like I'm the snow and they're the sand?. We're completely different"i shrugged "well at least you can say you did everything to befriend him " he smiled "okay you win i should i mean i could give it a try"i smiled well that's strange but this thing gave me an overwhelming feeling like a happy mood, so okay its sure i will but what if he says no that would be so embarrassing. "so can i now know who gave you these? "he asked "nope "i smiled "oh cmon give me that letter "he pulled the letter from the trash can "Connor don't tell me you are still mad at your mom for leaving?!"he exclaimed "well who wouldn't be"i raised my voice "Connor let me ask you a question if a teacher doesn't teach much does that stop her from being a teacher? "he asked "no "i replied "so what if she has never been to any of your graduations and recognition, she's still your mom, so what if she prioritize work more than family, does that remove her from the family tree " he sighed i felt my tears falling i don't know why what or where did it came from "no" i cried "so does this mean she's forgiven?" he adked "no never " i raised my voice "why? " he raised an eyebrow "you'll never understand" i cried "i will if you tell me why" he smiled "what do you even know about family? You are just a guy left by his mom and dad on the orphanage "i yelled "that's it I'm leaving "he said and turned around with a pissed face"are you mad? "i asked "no i am really fucking happy, you just made me feel like a piece of a fucking shit left to die " he yelled back slamming the door "Louis that's not what i meant I'm really sorry" i tried to follow him but i was too late he already left.

i tried to contact him yet he kept on declining my calls i sent him lots of apologetic texts which is so not me I'm more of a person who g gets all the sorry

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