i. about connor

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n a m e: Connor Jace Versozski

a g e:  15 years old

g e n d e r: male

p e r s o n a l i t y: ( negative) troublesome, flirt, rude at times, sarcastic, lazy, careless ( positive ) intelligent, adventurous, conscientious, independent, charming

l i k e s: gadgets, headphones, swimming, cupcakes, rainy days, watermelons, bunnies

h a t e s: blood, crabs, creepy guys, pedophiles, stalkers, uncomfortable situations, nightmares

f a m i l y: Versozski, Satchiko (mother) (alive); Versozski, Xavier (father) (alive); Kitoaji, Toshio (half-brother) (alive)

r e l a t i o n s h i p  s t a t u s: single (not for long *winks*)

h o b b i e s: reading, playing games, cycling, eating

s t o r y:

Connor was young when he started acting. He was six years old at that time when his mother had seen his potential and tried to get him more roles in different shows. He had been given many trophies and awards for his dedication for acting even though he was young.

When he was eight, he had managed to snatch the main role in a TV Series which grew to be a popular TV Series for its lovely plot and for the wonderful acting of the stars, which made him hella popular.

Because of his success, he had managed to get another three different roles in different movies when he reached the age of nine. All of the movies were heartbreaking child abuse stories and some were about bullying.

When he reached the age of thirteen, he had been featured in many shows and interviews. He had become very successful even though he is young. Though he had encountered many problems because of rumors and scandals. He became a very troublesome child and flirts with people (girls and guys lol) because of the influence of his terrible manager who is a pervert and a flirt.

When he was fourteen, he had become interested in the field of medicine though he had a spectacular career at the moment. He was also aware of his attraction to guys. Though, he was still in the closet because he was afraid that people won't accept him. By this age, he now had been featured in eight TV Series, five movies and had received lots of awards because of his passion for acting.

Now that he's fifteen, he was going to be the main character in the movie, Blades, but of course - his manager had another plan. So his manager signed him up for high school.

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