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Just looking out the window of the airplane, I knew today was the day. The day of my death. I fearfully clung to my seat, with the two guards of the plane trying to pull me out from the chair.

"Sir! You have to go down the plane! All the other passengers already left!" The bald bodyguard said, still attempting to make me lose my grip on this fantabulous chair that's keeping me alive.

"No! I don't want to die young!" I screamed, while trying to claw the other guard with my left hand. 

"Sir, the fangirls aren't going to kill you," The brunette bodyguard growled out, obviously getting irritated of how I'm acting. How does he keep on dodging my attacks? Is he some sort of ninja or something? 

"That's what they all say!" I cried out, still clinging to this seat. This is such a comfortable seat, makes me want to marry it and make chair babies with it. 

My grip loosened because of the thoughts running through my head which were entirely about the chair. Seeing this as an opportunity to separate me from my love, he grabbed my hoodie from the back and pulled me towards him, which made me lose my grip from the chair--and made me fall to the floor. 

Yes, the cold floor. We meet again. Thanks for always catching me mate, you're a true friend. 

I yelped when I was picked up from the floor like a bag of potatoes, and into the uncomfortable shoulder of the brunette bodyguard.

I prefer the floor, honestly.

"Hey! Get me down right now!" The bodyguard's grip didn't loosen, "To touch my booty is a crime! I'm going to call the police! No, no--I'm going to call my lawyer!" 

The bodyguard instead of shouting at me, he slapped my back (thankfully, not my booty), "Just shut up, I'm going to carry you so that you won't get bombarded with the fangirls anymore."

"Aw, you do care about me brunette-san."

"I'm only doing this for my pay."

- - - 

Unfortunately, the bodyguard had made the wrong calculations. Because this isn't the definition of "not get bombarded by fangirls", it's the complete opposite

The bald bodyguard has called up back-up, and there were now eight bodyguards surrounding me. 

Thank you bald bodyguard, you deserve a raise.

And well, this brunette bodyguard deserves a down (but he's hot I'll give him that).

Anyways, after a little while, we reached the limo that was going to take me to my penthouse. The bodyguards took their own cars and left me alone in this limo. I stretched my arms and relaxed in my seat, I can't wait to reach my humble abode and watch anime and read fanfictions all day. 

- - -

A/N: I'm not really going to comment about how late this update is ;; but I'm never going to abandon this story, ever. I just got caught up with musicals. Anyways, I honestly don't know when the next update will be but... I'LL BE BACK, SOON YOU'LL SEE, YOU'LL REMEMBER------

Blades (ohshc) (bxb) UNDER RECONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now