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Jason Sy Pwale, my ever-so-loving manager, my second mother and also he's the guy I hate and love at the same time because of the little stunts that he has done either for my protection or for his own entertainment (I think it leans more on his own entertainment though). 

And he had just signed me up for high school--

I can't tell whether this is for my own protection or his entertainment, but I ain't happy at all. 

I quickly typed in his number on my phone and called him. I tapped my foot impatiently on my carpeted floor, waiting for him to answer my call whilst thinking about a hundred ways to kill him at the same time. 

"Hello? Jason Pwale speaking."

"Yo' asshole, why did you fucking sign me up in a school without my consent? I understand you're my shittin' guardian but-"

And he hang up. Wow, I can certainly feel his radiating respect of his from here. 

I scowled as I looked at the phone in my hand, the nerves of that bastard. I typed in his number again and called him--and he answered right away.

"You better not use cuss words or I'm going to stick my foot on your ass, Connor."

"I want to take up your offer, but you're not my type," is what I'd normally say but with the seriousness in his voice, I'd rather not.

"I love you too darling. Anyways, what's with the high school thingy? I've been seeing it all over Google, boss. Please explain to me why you had signed me up for this shit," I ran a hand through my hair, "--you do know the fact that I personify rudeness and sarcasm when I face people?"

"Connor, I know you probably think this is a bad idea--but I've noticed you have been reading those Physical Science books that were given to you by your fans, though I still don't know the real reason why they gave it to you, I am not stupid not to notice you've been enjoying your time studying," he paused, "I'm doing this for you, Connor, not for my own personal gain. I'm willing to give you a chance to study, I'm willing to give you the freedom to do what you want to do."

I was silent throughout the whole call because what he said was true, besides tweeting and sleeping--I have been reading Science books during my free time because I had become interested in the subject, though I've never actually considered having any job besides acting. But sometimes, I want to just escape from acting for awhile and do something I won't normally do. 

Ugh. Choices.

He continued speaking when he noticed my silence, "Please just give this thing a chance. Don't you want some time away from the paps? To do something other than stressing about your endless interviews and acting?" 

He took my silence as a yes.

"The uniform is going to be delivered tomorrow morning. Your things are already packed up and will be delivered there in your penthouse. Classes start in Monday. Your flight will be on Sunday. Don't do anything stupid that can potentially ruin your career, okay? Text me if you need anything. Bye."

He hang up.

"Freaking Pwale," I muttered under my breath. 

Guess I'm going to go to school in Monday--not in America, but in Japan. Away from the paps, away from my co-actors, away from my demonic boss--maybe, maybe this might not be so bad.


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