Chapter 26

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"Keep your eyes closed okay?" Zack said with his hands over my eyes. We were done with dinner and now he was leading me to my surprise. "okay open them" he said. I opened my eyes. I was standing in front of a swing set. "I kind of thought that you needed a relaxing night"

"Aw Zack that's sweet" I smiled. He sat down on a swing next to me.

"So" zack started "You really leaving?" I looked down at my feet

"Yeah" I whispered

"Can you wait until we see where this is going?" he asked

"That's what this week is for. If it works I'm not going with Juliet but if it doesn't I'm going" I looked up at him. He got up and stood in front of me.

"Kelly I like you a lot and I want this to work" he put his hand on my neck and pulled me into a kiss. I stood up and he put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck. He deepened the kiss and I felt my self smile. After about a minute zack broke the kiss.

"I should probably get you home" he said. I nodded in agreement. We started walking towards the car and I noticed that he was looking at my arm the whole time. I stopped and made him look at me.

"Does this make you feel weird?" I asked "I can cover it if you want"

"Why would you do that?" he asked

"You were just looking at them so I figured that they made you feel a little weird" he gave me a sad look.

"I was looking at them because I was trying to figure out why you would do it that badly" he took my arm gently and stared tracing the scars "Was it because of Alex?"

"He was part of it" I whispered.

"I wanna make you a deal" he said putting his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. "If we work out you have to promise me hat you'll stop this. If we don't you can do what ever you want because I know I will have now way in stoping you. I don't want to see you in anymore pain. I want you be able to live through the rest of you life as pain free as possible"

"Then its a deal. I don't want this to bother you anymore" I said pulling my sleeve on my sweatshirt down.

"You're an amazing girl and I hope you know that" he said and kissed me again before we got into the car and drove away.


"Good night" zack said kissing me quickly. We were standing infront of my front door

"I had fun tonight" I said hugging him

"I'm glad. Maybe tomorrow we can go out again"

"That sounds great" I said smiling. I kissed him again and walked back into the house. I quietly walked up the stairs to my room. I saw Jack sitting on the ground infront of my door. He looked up when I walked up to him.

"I was going to wait for you in your room but you locked your door" he said. I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Yeah ever since you took the sonogram from my room I've been locking it"

"Well can you unlock it so we can go in and talk?" he asked.

"Why can't we talk right here?"

"Because Alex is asleep in the spare room" he said quietly. I glared at him.

"Why?" I practically growled.

"I don't want him to do anything stupid so I'm having him sleep here so I can check on him" he said standing up.

"Whatever" I said grabbing the key to my door from my purse. Jack followed me into my room and sat down on my bed. My room was still an absolute mess and I still didn't care. Jack made some smart ass comment about my room and I just glared at him again.

"What do you need to talk to me about?"

"I thought you weren't going to try to date zack?"

"I want to know that if I leave that I'm leaving and not missing out on an opportunity" I said taking off my sweatshirt.

"I really don't think that that is going to work out well" he looked at me "Honestly I think that you're going to leave and Zack and Alex are going to hate each other"

"I'm tryin to fix this jack just give me a chance" I said aggravated "And you letting Alex sleep here is not helping me at all right now"

"I'm sorry but I don't want him to go home and fucking cut himself again!" jack shouted "I know he hurt you and I hate him for that but he is still my best friend and a brother to me and I hate seeing him in pain!"

"What about me Jack?!?" I shouted back "Seeing alex right now is causing me pain! I gave him all of me and he fucking hurt me! I gave up my baby for him!"

"I thought you told him that you didn't want it" jack looked at me confused

"Jack you guys tour around the world, Alex would never be home in order to be a part of the kids life. I didn't want to deal with putting that on the two of us" I looked down at my stomach "but when I saw the sonogram everything changed and I feel horrible for getting rid of it. If I could change things I wouldve never gotten the abortion"

"Kel why didn't you talk to us?"

"Do you really think that you would've calmly helped me decide what to do?" I asked knowing the answer

"No" he answered quietly

"Exactly" I walked into my bathroom and got changed into a pair of sweats and my 'sorry for the partying' tank. When I walked back out jack was still sitting on my bed. He had his phone in his hand.

"Alex wants to talk to you" he said looking up


"He has to ask you something"

"Whatever" I said and sat down on my bed. Jack got up and went to go get Alex. I started messing around with my phone.

"You two need to learn how to be more quiet when you argue" I looked up and saw Alex. He looked exhausted. I just waited for him to continue. "you know I would've tried to be a part of our kids life" he whispered.

"Yeah and it probably would've ruined the band" I replied

"Hey if Derek can do it we could've"

"Maybe yeah but I didn't want to risk it" I looked down at my hands. Alex sat down next to me and took my hand in his.

"It was your choice and you shouldn't be doubting it right now" I looked up into his eyes. I missed them.

"I can't help but think that though" I whispered.

"Hey you're an amazing person and nothing can change that" he moved his face closer to mine. I really wanted to stop him but I couldn't move. When his lips touched mine I instantly felt a little better. He pushed me onto my back and kissed me harder. He started taking off my clothes. I wanted to do this but I had a feeling I would regret it.


Okay so this going to be ending soon like one or two more chapters.

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