Chapter 29

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Sing me to sleep 2

I was in the kitchen when jack walked into the kitchen with the rest of the guys.

"Hey how was practice?" I asked jack. When I saw Alex and Zack I faked a smile and tried to stay strong.

"It was good" he said grabbing a beer from a fridge

"Hey kelly welcome home" Zack said He walked over to me.

"Thanks Zack" I hugged him.

"I missed you girl" he whispered "Have you done anything?" he whispered quiet enough so no one else heard. I shook my head and took off my sweatshirt. I was wearing a cami so he could see all of my arms. "Okay" I looked at Alex and our eyes locked. I waited for him to say something but he never did. He just looked down at the floor and walked out of the room. I jumped when I heard the front door slam shut.

"That went better than I thought" Ri said.

"What did you think was going to happen?" I asked. I let out a deep breath.

"I thought that he was going to try and kiss you or kill Zack when he hugged you" jack said. I went to get a vitamin water from the fridge.

"What happened while I was gone?" I asked

"Alex got angry easier and he wasn't himself" Ri answered.

"He almost broke Zacks nose one day because he mentioned pregnancies" jack said before chugging the rest of the beer.

"How can you drink that this early?" I asked amazed

"I needed something stronger than red bull" he said. His face was blank. All of their faces were blank.

"What aren't you telling me?" I asked.

"Nothing" zack answered. Rian looked like he had something to say. He opened his mouth but then shut it. I saw his bottom lip quiver.

"What?" I asked worried.

"The cutting got worse"He whispered. "I walked in on him cutting in the bathroom this morning. It was bad. He tried to hide it but I saw the blood on the counter and in the sink" he was crying now and I just stared speechless "I begged him to go to the hospital to get it looked at. I even tried forcing him but he wouldn't go. The cuts were deep" I never saw rian cry this bad. I walked over to him and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before" he cried.

"Shhh it's okay" I whispered "Calm down okay?"

"God I feel like a damn baby" we all laughed.

"Hey man it's fine. We all have those moments" Zack said

"Thanks" rian said with a weak smile.

"Hey I'll be right back" I said walking out of the kitchen. I walked outside an saw Alex pacing in our driveway. I took a deep breath and sat down on the steps. I waited for him to notice I was sitting there. It took longer than I thought "Do you want to talk or just walk back and forth?" he froze when he heard my voice.

"What's there to talk about?" he asked. He turned to look at me but he didn't walk closer.

"Well for starters why did you just storm out of the house?" I asked standing up. I leaned against the side of the house.

"It's nothing that concerns you" he said and began pacing again.

"I know about this morning" I said quietly hoping that he would hear me. He did. I saw him pull on the sleeve of his sweatshirt. He didn't stop walking.

"What are you talking about?" he asked. I walked over to him, grabbed his arm and pulled up hi sleeve.

"This" I said. The cuts were really deep. It almost made me cry to see them "Why?" was all I could say.

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