Chapter 5

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"Let him in."

The nurse ran off to go bring my childhood friend, who still remains my closest buddy today. The nurse came back, James walking right behind her. He looked so much different than the last time I had seen him, which was about 2 years ago. He was a 6 foot 1 and a half inch blonde haired guy. (You can never forget that half inch). He had grown a lot of muscle since the last time I had seen him, which was supperising because he was a computer nerd. Glasses and all. 

"Been working out?" I asked him.

"Sure have been, and for a good reason, but I will explain more about that later," he looked over to the nurse, "Could you give us a minute?"

The nurse nodded her head and walked out of the room. "Look man, no matter how cliche this may sound, your in danger. That guy in the bar who kicked your ass, was a hired goon. He left a note before he got arrested," he handed me the note.

"Wait, you were there?" I said as I took the note.

"Yeah, if not for me, you would have died that night. Ive been watching over you ever sense what had happened to Marry."

" 'cause that's not creepy at all," I said sarcastically, " Why have you been watching me anyway?"

"What happened in that theater, was no accident," he told me. My heart dropped 7 feet under. "I've been looking in to the case and have gone to extremes to find out what had exactly happened.

I knew exactly what extremes he would have gone to. James Roxwell was no ordinary computer nerd, he was more of a FBI's top wanted list hacker/murderer.

"Come on, your already in enough trouble as it, what 'extreames' did you go to?" I asked.

"There is no need to worry about that, I might explain later on. But we need to get you the hell out of here."

"I can't be released for a few weeks though."

"It doesnt matter, get your clothes on, we need to be out of this hospital within 5 minutes. Hurry up," he left the room so I could change. I quickly got out of the stupid gown and got into my bloody clothes. I didn't need an explanation from James, I knew that he knew what he was doing. I threw open the curtains and followed James out of the hospital room. A few security guards came running up to us saying that we needed to get back. But we ignored them and rushed out. 

James led us over to his car, a red 2010 mustang... oh the classics.

"Hurry up and get in, we have no time waste," he told me. I opened the door and quickly got in. He put he car into gear and stormed the hell away out of the hospital, as if it were going to blow...


I turned my head towards the direction I heard the large noise. It looked like a bomb had just gone off in the hospital. About the same direction of the hospital room I had been in.

"That wasn't..." I started.

"The room we had just been in? To answer your question, that bomb went off in the exact room you had been in. I noticed the bomb underneath your bed when I had been in there," he explained.

"And you didn't tell anybody about it???" I asked, looking at him as if he were the craziest man on planet earth.

"There was no time to tell anyone, your  lucky I visited you at the time I did. If not, you'd be dead. At least be happy your alive," he said.

"But what about the other people? What if they are dead?"

"Ah, people die every day. They were going to die anyway. So what's the big deal?" I decided not to argue with him and change the subject.

"So where are we headed?" I asked.

"We are going to my super secret safe house. You will love it. Its even under ground," he turned and looked at me with a smile of a maniac. Still his normal self. Crazy and socially awkward.

A few years back I had met James when I was in my freshman year of high school. We had became instant friends after he saw me perform magic during lunch. He had loved it and had become my closest friend all through high school. He wanted to become a computer programmer for google. But he realized what he could do with his tech abilities. So he became a young hacker. Hacking the pentagon his junior year, and never got caught. He loved to hack in to the schools systems and even pulled a senior prank of making all the computers in the school have the rainbow farting cat go across the screens for over 2 weeks.

Now here he is, on the run from the FBI and sill going strong with hacking and even doing hits.

Great guy.

"My place is about 10 hours away. You should get a little sleep," he told me.

I was in fact tired, so I though might as well. I lied my head back and drifted off to sleep.

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