Chapter 1

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"Jess! Move it! It's about to start!" my mum screeched up the stairs. "Coming mum," I replied. Today was the day President Galad read out the Quarter Quell. I threw my coins into the money box, slamming the lid shut and locking it. I stuffed the key into my pocket and raced down the stairs. My younger brothers and sister were already sitting on the sofa. My mum walked in with cups of hot chocolate for all of us. I walked over to the armchair and flopped down.

Freddie, my youngest brother, turned the TV on and we all stared at the screen. The Seal of Panem came on before cutting to President Galad and a young boy holding a small box full of yellowing envelopes. The president picked out one labelled '150th Quarter Quell'. Daintily, he unfolded the paper and started to speak.

"As a reminder to those in the districts we have complete control over you and your children, every mother with more than one child shall be reaped. Upon being reaped, they will pick one of their children no matter what age, to enter the arena. Thank you." He bowed before they cut to the seal of Panem and the anthem before blackness engulfs the screen.

Shock begins to sink into my family as they digest that mum might have to pick one of us. All of my siblings are old enough to understand what's going on, even 9 year old Mattie, my youngest sister. I ask all of them to go up to their rooms and sensing the urgency, they all obey, leaving just me and mum. "Mum," I start off nervously. "Promise me that if you get picked, that you will say my name." She still had that vacant look in her eyes so I shook her by her shoulders. "Mum! Promise me!" I started sobbing uncontrollably. I heard 'I promise' slip from my mother's mouth. I leant back, relieved.

I left my mum and ran up to my room before flinging myself onto the bed. I slept through the rest of the day until 12 o'clock the next day when my mum woke me up gently, telling me to get ready for the reaping. I stood up, stretching, and noticed a white floaty dress with pink flowers swirling from the bottom, fading as it got closer to the neck line, hanging on my wardrobe .

Matching white pumps sat beneath. I pulled on the dress and slipped my feet into the delicate shoes. I coiled my hair into a neat bun. I looked in the mirror and found myself staring at a sweet innocent-looking girl. I felt gentle hands fix my bun, making me look more grown-up. Turning around, I hugged my mother and whispered in her ear, "Remember your promise." She nods bravely, holding back tears. I thought how this was probably going on in most districts. A mother and child preparing themselves for the danger ahead.

My family walked solemnly to the square where the reapings were to take place. This was my fourth time in the reaping but my sister, not old enough yet had never known the fear. A needle pricked into my finger brought me sharply back to reality as I was ushered into a pen filled with the other 16 year old females. Everything looked the same apart from the extra pen for the mothers and the fact that there was only one reaping ball.

A ridiculous looking Capitol lady with a metallic silver wig, high heels and dress on took the stage. Her skin was light blue and she had huge dark blue eyelashes about 30cm long protruding from her face. Two huge screens to the side of the stage lit up and she turned to face them.


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