Chapter 3

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White gloves clamped down firmly on my arms as the Peacekeepers dragged me into a clean room, empty apart from the red sofa in the corner. The door burst open and my best friend rushed in. "Make an alliance with the career pack. You can fight well. Show them in training what you can do with a trident and they will put one in the cornucopia. You can do it. Come back home. Please." We hugged each other silently before the Peacekeeper said "Your time is up." Just before she left the room, Alice said "You can win." Then the door slammed shut leaving me alone once more.

I had a couple of minutes to myself before my family ran through the door. My mum and sister were sobbing uncontrollably but my brothers stood in the corner stiffly, trying not to cry. I hugged my siblings first before grabbing my mum and saying swiftly. "Listen mum. I won't be there to give extra money so you won't be eating as much but you can earn a little extra by running the laundry. Look after them." She nodded and mumbled sadly "I will." I hugged her hard before their time was up and I was alone again.

The Peacekeeper escorted me to the station and me and David boarded the train. Randy showed us around before we left to go to our rooms. They were pure luxury compared to the way I lived. Being from District 4 I was a lot better of than other districts. Also, my family was one of the richest households in 4. In comparison to this, it seems like the slums.

Crystal chandeliers dangled off the ceilings, reflecting light off their diamonds. Plush red sofas are set against the walls. Decorating the carpet are golden swirls, flowers and intricate patterns. David and I both gasp in awe.

The bedrooms were even better. A queen sized bed sits in the middle of the room with golden silk covers. A dressing table with a mirror and all the make-up a girl could want sat against the wall. A small passageway led to a huge bathroom.

A large bath sat in the corner. Shelves filled with bath bombs, shower gels, body creams, shampoos, conditioners and hair dyes clung to the walls. There was another dressing table and a towel rack but best of all was the huge shower. It had a panel of every setting you could think of and some you couldn't. I peeled off my dirty clothes and stepped inside.

Clicking on the jet setting with rose-scented soap, I let the water wash away all the pain and tears. Being from one of the richer districts, I did have running water at home but mum only let me use it once a week and even then she had to assess my work schedule that week so see if I needed one.

If I finally got a shower, it was only a puny trickle coming from a mildewy head. But this...this was a proper shower. I gently shampooed my hair, added some conditioner and rinsed it all out.

Turning off the shower, I stepped out onto the floor. The moment my feet touched the ground, tiny holes  opened up blowing hot air onto my body. I was dry in a heartbeat.

Next,  a powerful current blasted through my hair, parting and drying it leaving no knots at all. I walked softly over to my wardrobe and picked out long black trousers, a light blue top and pumps. I quickly applied some mascara and flung myself onto the bed snuggling up in the silk sheets, I soon fell asleep.

What felt like a couple of minutes but was actually 3 hours later, Randy knocked on my door and in her high-pitched, annoying voice, she called me to dinner in 10 minutes.

I stretched, brushed my hair and made my way to the dining room. Randy was there chatting to a man. As he turned around I realised he was the famous Finnick Odair. Gasping, I blushed, quickly turning away to sit at the table. I heard him laugh softly. OMG, I thought. Finnick Odair just laughed at me!

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