Chapter 25

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Hey guys I'm so sorry for not updating in so long!!!! I have been super busy but holidays are coming up in four weeks so more updates will be coming soon :)
And there are not many chapters to go :(
Please comment some ideas for a new story you would like me to start writing and I may just start it, I can't wait. I have also started writing a new story but if I don't think it's turning out well I won't put it on wattpad.
This chapter is dedicated to all of you because if it wasn't for you guys I would never have gotten over 31.9k!!!!! That's amazing I can't believe it thank you so much.


Chapter 25


Two days.
Two days and they have gotten nothing, well nothing important. Clary keeps on telling them unimportant information that they really don't need to know, except for the fact that Sebastian had kissed which got Jace throwing stuff around the room, but what made it worse was Clary seeing this reaction and started to describe the kiss to him. He couldn't take it anymore he went for her, completely forgetting that real Clary was still in there holding on, but he had to hit her or something and just before he would get to her someone would be there holding him back.
So now Jace is not even allowed in the room for interrogation.
Since that incident they have gotten little things like where he gets their food and stuff like that, which of course slipped out of her mouth with out her knowing it when she started rambling to annoy them.
It was night time and everyone was asleep and Jace was on guard duty for the next three hours. Notice how he has three hours and everyone else has six, well they still don't think that Jace should be alone with Clary but after fighting about it they finally gave him three hours. And that was enough for him.
He had also asked for a night shift because that's the only time when he can look that Clary and see the real her not that monster in her head. She was sleeping know and she looked so peaceful, lightly breathing, red hair in a mess around her face and her eyelids moving from time showing she was dreaming about.
About what Jace wanted to know.
He reached out to pull some of her hair back from her sleeping face that had been annoying him for the past two hours, then without realising it he stroked her cheek and even more surprising she smiled and leaned into him. He smiled back.
Because this gave him hope that she was still there. For this want the first time he saw the real Clary the last couple of days. She was there.
His best friend.
His soul mate.
His one true love.

Clary~ (the real one)

Clary liked night time best, she had her own brain to herself when the demon inside her was asleep, Clary had been constantly trying to move any part of her body when the other her was asleep. Of course she wouldn't get anywhere, even a finger she had trouble with. She had taken control once or twice but it was only for a second. And Clary was sick and tired of being stuck and can't do anything.
Now it's even worse, Jace would just sit in front of her all day and just look at her with such hatred that it killed her. There were so many times that Clary really thought Jace was going to kill her but Simon would always stop him.
Even Simon looked at her like she was a monster, and that hurt the most, she has known him since they were young and know he couldn't even look at her right. Clary also never thought she would see the face that Alec pulled all the time around her when she first met them all, she does not like that face lets just put it that way.
The only person who actually looks at her right is Isabelle, she smiles at her and speaks to her all the time, of course Clary can't reply herself but it counts. Isabelle would come into the lounge room clary is tied up in and show her drawings that Clary had drawn when she had firs met them. And one of those times Clary felt as if she had control for a second to at least reach of to the paper. When Isabelle saw her reach for the paper she jump then sprinted out the room and came back to Jace who ca,e straight to her and hugged her. clary knew what was happening, they saw that she was still in there and that's all they needed. But no her stupid other self had to bite Jaces arm which made him pull away.
Clary doesn't know how long she can last with not being able to hold him and tell him she loves him, to hug Simon and tell him everything will be ok, to help Isabelle with girl problems and even Alec, to hold his hand and tell him he is one of the strongest people she knows.
She needs her body back.
She needs it back today.

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