Chapter 2

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A/N Okay so here we go. Yes this story is kind of rubbish. It will get better I promise. I had started writing this story in April so I have improved since then but I wrote this in April so that's why it's really bad. I know It's slow updates I'm sorry. I don't know If anyone Is actually reading this or not so please comment to let me know what you think. This story is quite long and I am writing everyday on it. I write it on the move, at home basically wherever because I carried it on writing on my phone. Up to about Chapter 5 that's what's written on my laptop. About half of Chapter 6 is written in my notebook and the other on my phone. This story does get better I promise you that so please vote and comment. As well in the comments rate the chapter 1-10 1 being absolutely rubbish 10 being fantabidosious. Loves you, please keep reading I promise It will get better. This story is going to be going on for ages so yeah. Also in the comments tell me how I can Improve and how often you think I should update. Sorry this authors note is so long. Love you all and Thank you for reading :)

---- Sophie xxxxxxxx

Chapter 2

A few weeks later, It was coming up to be a month. Me and Louis met every weekend. A week after we left we got a phone call from the holiday house we go to every year and the one we stayed in just saying that they were putting the house up for sale and asked if we wanted to buy it because we are the main people who go there. So obviously my dad said yes because he had already managed to bag a job not far from the holiday home. The day dad told me that we were moving for definite and he got the mortgage on the house and paid a deposit for the house I couldn't believe it was happening.

"Thank you dad so much!" I hugged him and ran upstairs straight on the phone to Louis. We then started talking about what we should do when I go and about him showing me around Doncaster. "Babe dad has put a deposit on the holiday home which went up for sale a week after we left!" "Awesome. I will have to show you round Doncaster." We just kept talking about how fun it would be and how nice it would be.

It was a week before we were leaving we started packing all of our items into boxes. I started on packing my room soon as possible. I packed all my collection of teddy bear figurines and all my jewellery. By the end of the week we were all ready to go. The house was sold. We put everything in the removal van. All our furniture. We had to get 2 removal wagons for all of our stuff.

When we got there Louis came over as soon as he could when I told him we had arrived. He came and helped me unpack. I took my boxes first and took them up to my room. Louis helped my dad with the heavy lifting with furniture. I came down stairs and saw him helping carry in the sofa. I saw he was struggling then he saw me and suddenly stood up straight putting on a brave face to impress me. I just laughed to myself. Louis came over and said "Hey what you laughing at?" "Nothing." I chuckled. Louis walked over and went to hug me but ended up tickling me. "No! No! That's not fair." I suddenly ducked and backed away. "That was not fair." "Well you were laughing at me." My parents were just smiling to themselves. "How do you know?" I said to Louis. "Because I saw you." He then chased me up the stairs. He chased me into my bedroom and just hugged me. He then started to tickle me again. I jumped on my bed and hid under the covers. He then carried on tickling me. "Stop please. I'm so ticklish. I don't like it." "Well I'm sorry. You were laughing at me." He came and sat on the bed next to me. Our eyes locked like they had before and kissed me.

"Soph can you come down and help unpack some boxes down stairs please we need an extra pair of hands." Mum shouted up the stairs. Me and Louis ran down the stairs him behind me chasing me down the stairs. "Oi you two. Calm down. You are like a pair of star crossed lovers." Mum said. We started unpacking. The day went on like that un packing the boxes. When we had done it was still early so me and Louis decided to go to town.

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