Chapter 3

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A/N This is the next chapter. Please comment so I know people actually do read this and I'm not just wasting my time. I will carry on with it but I might just not upload as often. I love writing this. I hope you are pleased when you read it. Comment just to let me know if you are reading.

--Sophie xx

"SOPHIE!!! GET UP NOW!!!!!!" Mum shouted from downstairs.

"Urgghh okay I'm getting up." I rolled over and fell out my bed in the process. I quickly got up put my dressing gown on and went down for breakfast.

"Why are you so late missy Louis will be here soon."

"My alarm didn't go off." I said sleepily. I ate my breakfast slowly then got up and put the kettle on and then went upstairs to go and get dressed, do my makeup and curl my hair. Mum came up with my cup of tea "Thanks mum."

"It's okay. You do know it's only school not a fashion show?" "I know it's school but I have to make a good first impression. I want people to like me. I want to fit in."

"You don't need makeup to do that." Mum left the room. The door bell went "Soph! Louis is here." Mum shouted up the stairs.

"Tell him to come up. I'm in the middle of curling my hair." I shouted back. I heard Louis running up the stairs.

"Soph? Can I come in?"

"Yep sure." Louis walked in.

"Why have you got makeup on? You don't need it."

"I do babe. I have to get people to like me. I have to fit in."

"You don't need makeup to that..."

"That's what mum said!" I interrupted.

"Everyone will like you I'm sure of it and as well if both me and your mum say it, why don't you believe it. You don't need makeup you look better without it."

"So what are you saying I'm ugly with it!" I paused.

"No of course not! You look amazing with and without it. You don't need makeup it destroys your natural beauty."

"I wouldn't be offended if you say I'm ugly. Everyone knows it." I said under my breath.

"Look Soph who has told you your ugly because you are not. I promise you." I unplugged my curlers.

"I think I'm ugly."

"Well you are not and that's the end of it. If you say it again I will tickle you till you say your beautiful."

"That's not fair!"

"Yes it is it's perfectly fair!" I put my curlers back in the draw. "Just going to clean my teeth then we can go." I walked out the room.

When I came back Louis had gone. "Louis? Where are you?" I said fairly loudly. I thought he must of gone down stairs. I turned round picked up my bag and went to walk out. Louis was hiding behind the door then when he saw me turning round he jumped out and tickled me from behind. "Hey! That's not fair." I got away and ran down the stairs. I ran into the kitchen where my parents were hiding behind them. I felt like I was 6 again when my brothers used to chase me and I hid behind my parents for protection.

"Hey why you running for?" My dad asked.

"Oh no reason." I stood up straight. I saw Louis coming so I ran out in the garden.

"Hey have you seen Sophie?"

"She went that way, Why? What are you to up to?" My mum replied sipping her cup of coffee.

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