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LUCY's pov
It's been almost a year since the Grand magic games and since I've talked to anyone in the Guild but I don't mind...I know they will talk to me soon enough I mean we're supposed to be like a family right?  .

I hear them whisper about me saying that I'm weak and useless but I just laugh because I know they're just joking and they would never mean it

Since I've had a lot of time on my hands I decided to start training I know how to use star dress, create portal I also have a lot more keys and I have learnt more celestial spells

Unfortunately, one day when I was going to get an S-class job Erza spotted me and shouted "Hey what are you doing on the second floor that's for S-class mages only "

I couldn't believe that someone had finally noticed me that I smiled the widest smile that I would muster at the time

"I know Erza! I am S-class! Became one about 2 months ago but now I'm so glad that this stupid joke is over! I started thinking that you really were all ignoring me " I said really believing that all of this had been a joke and that this nightmare was going to be put to an end.

"ha ha very funny Lucy the only joke is you thinking that you could ever be an S-class wizard but seriously get down from there before drag you down here myself " Erza said rather harshly which made my bright smile fall into trembling frown

"h-hey look I am a S-class I wouldn't joke about something like that you have to believe me! Even ask Master! You wouldn't hurt me Erza we're supposed to be a team! "I said nervously not understanding why they were being so mean to me

"As if someone as weak as you could ever be S-class. How could you make up lies like that?! And you even went so far as to bring Master into this! What is wrong with you?! I don't want a lying bitch like you in my team so you're out"Natsu said while the whole Guild just laughed

I could feel tears pouring out of my eyes but after a few minutes tears had stopped and I finally realised something 'I believed in them for so long after everything i've done for them and this is how they repay me well i'll make them sorry...i'll show them I'm stronger than they think' I thought my body t "what are you laughing about" Gray said trembling slightly but he tried to act cool even though i saw right through his act "oh Gray~it just hit me that there is nothing I need to be sad about I mean I have enough power to beat team natsu but I mean its not like you would believe me now would you~"  I giggled walking up to him and stroking his dark blue hair then I created a portal to my house leaving the guild in shock at my attitude change.


Lucy's pov

I had been home for over an hour


I was in a pitch black room with one little lamp that helped me see around and to be honest it wasnt that bad of a place then the door opened to see a women dressed in a black jumpsuit with a hood and blond hair that and braided together at the front with dull yellow eyes "Who are you and why am i here?!" i shouted "I am Medusa and you are here for me to  tell you a little about yourself " Medusa said "how could you know anything about me i've never met you in my life" i asked her confused 'how does this lady know me and what does she know about me wait maybe she know some cool secret about me !' I thought excitedly "well this maybe a little confusing but you were never born in the place you call Earthland but a place called Earth also your mother was never a celestial Mage she was a Weapon at a school called the DWMA it stands for Death Weapon Meister Academy and your father was a Mister I know you must be wondering what these things mean but you will find out what this means but let me tell you that it is not magic you have to be born with it and you are very different because you were born half Mister half Weapon if you were wondering a weapon is someone who can change into a weapon and that could be any weapon and a mister is someone who can wield a weapon " she said slowly so that I could understand what she was saying 'so basically I'm not from Earthland but from Earth and I'm not even a celestial Mage but something called a Weapon and a Mister...well this might be cool I mean it could give me more cool powers ' I thought excitedly "ok that's cool I guess but what's going to going to happen to my spirits " I said confused " oh don't worry you will still be with them but they won't only be spirits but weapons as well" she said pointing at my keys
" ok so how do you know me" I said suspicious of how she might know all this information " *sigh* well you see Layla is my younger sister so I'm your auntie " she said nervously rubbing her neck "um well that's ok auntie I guess.But what are you a Weapon or a Mister " I asked her then she looked at me with a sly smile "I'm not a Weapon or a Mister I'm something people on earth call me a Witch and I know you may be wondering why Layla was not one well that is because she used to be a weapon and a Witch but when she was pregnant with you her witch powers got transferred to you so that means that you are all three and you have tremendous amount of power and it needs to be trained but you can not tell people that you are a witch because they are hunted and killed but we are all evil and when you unleash your powers you may change " she told me slowly and calmly with a sly smile "ok that is so cool but when am I going to get these powers" I asked her ready to start training my powers " well when you wake up you will start to see dotted snakes imprinted on your arms and your left eye will turn gold and the other will be electric blue with slit pupils like a snake and also you will grow fangs  " she told me with her legs crossed slightly floating "ok what powers can I use as Beginner " I asked her " well you can use a spell called 'vecter arrow ' all you have to do is say that and you can create arrows but you can do anything with them and to control them all you have to do is think of what you want them to do" she told me while I soaked in all the information "um could you show me like could you make a sword or something " I asked wanting to see this for myself " ok 'Vecter Arrow' " she chanted then an arrow appeared and turned into a arrow shaped sword "whoa that is so cool " I said in awe " I know but when you wake up it will be the morning and when unleash your powers some People will ask you to join there school and you need to go with them and train but if they ask about your powers just say you are a Mage and don't tell them you know me and you are a witch because witches are classified evil and you will probably be killed " she warned me "oh and there are some People  that can see a person's soul so even if you say you are not a witch they can still know so when you release your witch powers use a spell called 'soul protect' and they will not know"she added "ok don't worry Medus-"
I couldn't finish my sentence because I had woke up so I rush to the bathroom to see if I looked any different and when I looked in the mirror I was shocked to see my left eye was gold,my right was electric blue and I had slit pupils and I grew small fangs in my teeth then I looked at my arms to see the outline of a dotted snake wrapped around my arms. (Lucy's arms look like the pic below but just an outline)

DIFFERENT // A FAIRY TAIL AND SOUL EATER FANFIC //Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora