Wrestlemania 32

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I have now been in WWE for about 2 years now. A lot has happened. My dad has been out with a shoulder injury, Nicole has been out with a neck injury, Brie is retiring from in ring competition for now to concentrate on becoming a mother. Shane McMahon is facing Undertaker, Dean Ambrose is facing Brock Lesner and I am in the match with Roman Reigns and Triple H tonight for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. If I win this championship, I tie with my dad, holding 15 world championships in my career. 

I watch the Divas match between Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch and Charlotte. The divas division, or should I now say Women's division has certainly improved, these girls are great additions to the company. As I watch the match I stretch. My match is last and people have no idea I'm even apart of it, we wanted to make it a surprise. 

Everyone was super annoyed when they saw I wasn't going to be apart of Wrestlemania and to be perfectly honest I didn't even think I would be either. I re-injured my neck a few weeks ago, I didn't break it, but it was causing me a lot of pain and my doctor recommended I sit this Wrestlemania out. However, with a few physio sessions, heat gel and rest, I am back to my old self and ready to become the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. 

It must have been about an hour or so later when I was called by a member of our backstage crew to go to the gorilla because our match was coming up. I walk and shake off just as a little warm up, I can feel the excitement of the crowd which is really getting my adrenaline going. 

Triple H enters first, as he is the current champion. Then after his entrance is finished, Roman Reigns enters and it goes quiet. Everyone starts getting confused when funny music starts playing and the whole arena goes pitch black. Then my theme starts playing and a spotlights shines on me and all of AT&T Stadium goes ecstatic. I walk down the ramp with a not so please Triple H and Roman Reigns, oh well, everyone else is happy to see me.

I get in the ring and the Eden starts talking.

"Introducing first weighing 265 pounds and from Pensacola, Florida, Roman Reigns!" Eden yells and everyone slightly cheers. 

"And weighing 255 pounds and from Greenwich, Connecticut, your WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H." Eden yells and everyone boos.

"And last put not least, standing at 5'10 inches, from West Newbury, Massachusetts, Morgan Cena!" Eden yells and everyone screams.

"Morgan Cena surprising everyone tonight, with her involvement in this match. It was believed Morgan would not be participating in Wrestlemania after re-injuring her neck a few weeks ago, which she broke last year in a match against Kane." Michael Cole speaks as we start the match.

"Lets not forget how early she returned from that injury as well, an incredible 3 months earlier than she should have. But she was given the all clear." JBL explains. 

"What are the chances of Morgan re-injuring her neck again though. Think about it, she is in there with two men, who together weigh over 500 pounds, Morgan is only 110 at most. Will she be able to cope?" Byron asks.

"Byron, you obviously don't know the Cena's very well do you." Michael points out.

I am currently going back and fourth with Roman as Hunter lays outside the ring. Roman tries to spear me but I quickly react by roundhouse kicking him straight in the jaw and it echos through the arena, people gasping and cringing at the sound. I move away from him for a few seconds to catch my breath, before I grab his head and do a running bulldog and go for the pin.


The count is cut off my Hunter jumping back in and pulling me off and throwing me out the ring. He climbs out as well and attempts to grab my hair, but I wack his arms out the way and slap him straight across the face and kick him in the stomach, before throwing him into the steel steps. Everyone is cheering and I climb back in the ring and just as I turn around, I am speared by Roman...OW!



I kick out almost immediately and I can see Roman with a stunned look on his face. He goes to pick me up, but Hunter is back in the ring and they begin fighting, so I roll out the way to gain my strength back. When I can just about stand up, I see Hunter is pinning Roman and I break it up at about 2. All 3 of us stand looking at each other, all getting our breath back. They both look at me. Fantastic.

"You're not even meant to be here!" Roman yells over the chants.

"Well tough I am." I respond.

"Neither of you are getting my championship, you hear me!" Hunter yells in our faces and Roman and I look at each other, before attacking Hunter. 

We take turns punching Hunter in the face. I then perform my finishing move, 'The Hidden Kick' and knock Hunter out cold. I then look at Roman and we get in each others faces.

"The two contenders are the only ones standing!" JBL sequels.

"But who will leave as the champion. You've got Roman who has size, strength and weight advantage over Morgan, but Morgan with the experience over Roman." Byron says.

"Morgan Cena knows what it takes to be a champion. She has the longest record in TNA history, holding their TNA World Heavyweight Championship for over a year at just the age of 16!" Michael responds.

"But Roman is hungry for this championship Michael, I think he's willing to do just about anything for that title." JBL comment.

Roman throws the first punch and I counter. We go back and fourth again and eventually we both throw each other out of the ring. I get up and so does Roman and before he can do anything, I slam his head on the announce table, where Michael, JBL and Byron are. He counters, slamming my head on it also. 

He then picks me up and places me on the desk and climbs on himself. I know what's about to happen and I won't let it. I can hear Michael and JBL screaming, as well as Byron, pleading with Roman not to do it. He picks me up into a power bomb position, but I wiggle and manage to jump of before doing the same. I pick him up into the power bomb position and slam him straight through the desk.


I see Hunter approaching me and I do the same to him, just on the floor this time since there is no desk left. 


I cover Roman and the ref counts. 

"1.2.3!" The bell rings signalling I won the match.

"The winner of this match and the NEW WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...MORGAN CENA!" Eden announces and everyone cheers.

"Morgan Cena is our new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Incredible!" Michael praised.

And here I am in front of the largest audience in WWE history, as the new WWE World Heavyweight champion.

*I'm back with a new chapter guys. I'm sorry it has taken so long, luckily exams will be over soon and I leave school in just a few days, so hopefully I will have a lot more time to update. I hope you enjoy this new chapter and I want to thank everyone for the support I have gotten on this story. Over 35K reads and 903 votes, you're all truly amazing!! Thank you so much.

Mackenzie Xx 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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