Stephanie's Fate

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I am walking backstage when I am stopped by someone. The Undertaker.

"I see you're about to walk out there and give Stephanie her fate." He says and I nod. "Make it painful." And with that he walks away.

"OK, then." I walk to the gorilla and my new theme hits and the crowd erupts into cheers (New theme is Alexa Bliss' new theme). I walk down and climb into the the ring, not before acknowledging the fans first. I stand in the middle and wait for Stephanie to come out.

Her theme plays and she walks down to the ring, but instead of getting in the ring, she stands outside.

"Smart move by Stephanie." JBL says.

"I don't think so John, Morgan is pretty fast and Stephanie is wearing high heels, if she tries to run, Morgan will just catch up to her." Michael points out.

"Stephanie, today we find out your fate." I say and I see her shudder. Another theme hits and I see it is Triple H, and he comes out in a wheelchair. Stephanie is about to run to him, but I hop out of the ring and grab her hair. I toss her back into the ring.

When she stands up she sees that somehow I have managed to set up a table. I grab her and powerbomb her through the table and everyone goes insane. My theme blares through the arena and I blow a kiss to Hunter. 

"Morgan Cena, just...Oh My God!" Michael stutters.

"She just looked Hunter dead in the eye and powerbombed his wife through a table!" Jerry explains, stunned.

"She powerbombed Stephanie McMahon!" JBL finishes.

"You will regret this Morgan!" Hunter yells through a mic. "Who's going to stop me? You?" I laugh and watch Stephanie get carried away on a stretcher. 

I bring the mic up to my mouth again and wait for everyone to settle down before I speak. When they do I walk around the ring.

"Ladies and gentleman, this is a clear example of the damage I can do. And it is also a clear example, that I don't care the slightest bit about authority! I made that clear the moment I stepped into this company. But no! The authority had to go and step on my toes and obviously didn't take my warning! So let me make this warning relevant to everyone sitting backstage, if you think for one second, you can step on my toes and get on my bad side, you better make sure you can finish the job!" 

My theme hits again and I exit the ring.

"A clear warning from Morgan Cena." Michael says.

"I feel sorry for whoever her opponent is next time." JBL states.

"Me too." Jerry agrees.

I get backstage and once again JOJO runs up to me.

"Listen JOJO, I know what you want to ask me. Am I worried about the consequences? No. Am I worried about my next challenger? No. Am I the best damn fighter in this company? Yes. Any other questions?" I ask and she shakes her head and I smile and nod before leaving, but before I do I am greeted by someone.

The Beast himself. Brock Lesner.

"You better be worried about your next opponent Morgan, because I have no problem crushing a little girl." He spits and I smile. "Good luck, maybe you'll end up just like Hunter." I say before spinning around, whipping my hair in his face before walking off. 

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