Morgan VS Stephanie

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Ever since I put Triple H through a table. Stephanie has been trying to put everyone on team authority against me. J&J security, which ended with me knocking both of them unconscious, Seth Rollins which ended with me, breaking his nose and Big show, which went from a match to a full blown fight with chairs and a fire extinguisher.

Now I have one person left to get my hands on. Rich bitch herself Stephanie McMahon. I have even been getting a little assistance from my dad, The Prime Time players, Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. The only problem is dad has problems with Kevin Owens, Dolph has problems with Rusev, and the others have problems with anyone and everyone so, that means more people joining team authority.

But ladies and gentleman do not panic because I am Morgan Cena. I am not fazed by size or numbers, I am fazed by looks, awful looks. Which explains why I always seem to cringe whenever I see a member of the authority.  Anyway I now need to go out to the ring for a little talk with Ric Flair who is out there running his mouth about how I'm not going to beat the authority.

My theme hits and I walk out. "Ric, I couldn't help but here you say, I'm gonna lose." I give him a questioning look. "Look Morgan, honey. I have nothing against you and I won't deny it, you're an incredible wrestler and extremely fearless and that is a great quality to have, but I'm not gonna stand here and lie to you and say, you can beat the authority easily, I think you're way over your head."I nod and walk closer to him.

"When I beat the authority into the ground, so far they can't get back up. You'll be the first person to stand in this ring and mutter the words, "I was wrong."" I slam my mic down and jump out of the ring only to be stopped by a theme I haven't heard in a long time, Edge's theme. 

"Hey everyone!" He yells and everyone screams. "I wasn't meant to be here tonight, but I felt the need to come here and speak with Morgan." He looks at me, while people cheer. "You know Morgan, I've known you for a long time, and I wish, we had brought you to WWE sooner because I would have really liked to work with you. And about this whole authority thing, I agree with Ric, you are incredible in the ring and your fearless, your driven. What I don't agree with, is that your way over your head, I believe if anyone can bring down the authority, it's you."

"Edge, you can't be serious!" Ric yells, "I am very serious Ric." Edge says, I pick up a mic. "I appreciate that Edge, I really do." He nods to me, then another theme hits. Shawn Michaels. "Now Edge, don't go giving the girl false hope that she will defeat the authority, when everyone knows, she doesn't stand a chance!" He exclaims, "Shawn, did you see what I did to your best friend a few weeks ago. I put him through a table onto cinder blocks, ever since then, he's been stuck at home on his couch, if that isn't enough evidence that I can take down the authority, then  I just may have to make an example out of you." I say and Shawn glares at me.

Then ANOTHER theme hits. It's Hulk Hogan. "Morgan, listen to me sister. Don't you go listening to Shawn and Ric, you go and whop some authority ass!" He yells and everyone screams. I smirk and nod.

Get ready authority, I'm taking you all down.

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