The Dramatic Change

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It is Hell In a Cell and I am facing Kane, we have been in the match for 7 minutes now and he now has control. I'm a bit dazzed from the chock slam I experienced only 2 minutes ago and I hardly know where I am. Once my vision becomes somewhat normal again, I punch him and jump on his back, putting the sleeper hold on him (original name is the rear naked chock hold) and bring him to his knees.

Once he is on the floor completely, I start climbing the cage, I make it to the near top when I feel a large hand grab my ankle and the next thing I knew I was on my back, with servere pain in my neck, when I go to move the pain gets worse, one thing runs through my mind.

"I think I've broke my neck."

I need to finish this match, getting out of the cage climbing isn't an option now, I need to get out of the door and without taking any blows from Kane. Easier said then done. I see him charge towards me and I side-step him sending him into the cage. When he turns around I hit 'The Hidden Kick' and manage to get out of the cage and the bell rings.

"The winner of this match, Morgan Cena!" Everyone cheers, but all I need is the doctor, I call him over and he examines me, then seconds later he urgently calls for trainers to call the paramedics. 2 minutes later they come through with a stretcher and put me on and I am carried out of the building.


"As you can see, Morgan Cena has now just been carried out on a stretcher." Micheal says, "I think it could be something serious with her neck, remember that fall she took when Kane dragged her down from the cage." Jerry explains, "I wouldn't be surprised." JBL comments, "Well hopefully we will get a report from trainers and the doctors later tonight." Micheal says.

I've been laying in this hospital bed for 3 hours now. I'm waiting to go into surgery, I was right, I broke my neck and now I'm looking to be out for 4 months, 6 at most. I can't believe this has happened, doctors a positive that I will be able to wrestle again, depending on how successful surgery is. 

"Morgan, we're ready." Doctor Hank says, "Ok." Is all I can say. I am taken to theatre and the give me an injection, "Morgan, count to 10." Dr Hank says. ""

And then everything went blank.

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