Favourite Quotes #2

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"You wear a mask for so long you forget who you were beneath it." - (V for Vendetta, 2005) 

"I lost myself trying to please everyone else. Now I'm losing everyone while I'm finding myself." 

"Reason cannot defeat emotion, an emotion can only be displaced or overcome by a stronger emotion." - Baruch Spinoza 

"They told me to pour my heart into everything I do. So that's what I did, I poured and poured and poured. Now they ask me why I'm so empty."

"I love being horribly straightforward. I love sending reckless text messages (because how reckless can a form of digitised communication be?) and telling people I love them and telling people they are absolutely magical humans and I cannot believe they really exist. I love saying, "Kiss me harder," and "You're a good person," and, "You brighten my day." I live my life as straight-forward as possible. Because one day, I might get hit by a bus. 

Maybe it's weird. Maybe it's scary. Maybe it seems downright impossible to just be—to just let people know you want them, need them, feel like, in this very moment, you will die if you do not see them, hold them, touch them in some way whether its your feet on their thighs on the couch or your tongue in their mouth or your heart in their hands.

But there is nothing more beautiful than being desperate.

 And there is nothing more risky than pretending not to care. 

We are young and we are human and we are beautiful and we are not as in control as we think we are. We never know who needs us back. We never know the magic that can arise between ourselves and other humans.

We never know when the bus is coming." - Rachel C. Lewis 

"I'm almost never serious, and I'm always too serious. Too deep, too shallow. Too sensitive, too cold hearted. I'm like a collection of paradoxes." - Ferdinand Von Schrubentauffrt 

"You think you're yourself, but there are other persons in you." - John Barth

"Perhaps the greatest faculty our minds possess is the ability to cope with pain. Classic thinking teaches us of the four doors of the mind, which everyone moves through according to their need.

First is the door of sleep. Sleep offers us a retreat from the world and all its pain. Sleep marks passing time, giving us distance from the things that have hurt us. When a person is wounded they will often fall unconscious. Similarly, someone who hears traumatic news will often swoon or faint. This is the mind's way of protecting itself from pain by stepping through the first door.

Second is the door of forgetting. Some wounds are too deep to heal, or too deep to heal quickly. In addition, many memories are simply painful, and there is no healing to be done. The saying 'time heals all wounds' is false. Time heals most wounds. The rest are hidden behind this door.

Third is the door of madness. There are times when the mind is dealt such a blow it hides itself in insanity. While this may not seem beneficial, it is. There are times when reality is nothing but pain, and to escape that pain the mind must leave reality behind.

Last is the door of death. The final resort. Nothing can hurt us after we are dead, or so we have been told." - Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

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