Chapter 2: The Incident

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Later that evening, Chengxi had pleaded his mother to drive him to the nearest HEB, to purchase a candy bar with his brand new dollar bill. Unfortunately, his mother said that she could take him the next time she went shopping, which would be in one week. He felt his eyes begin to water up again, because he didn't get what he wanted, but he quickly realized that if he couldn't spend his one dollar, he could do the next best thing: go to Sarah's house! As Chengxi gave himself a pat on the back for being so genius, he opened the back door and left.

Once Chengxi reached Sarah's house, it was around 9:00 PM. He rang the doorbell, hoping for his true love to let him in. After about 30 seconds, Sarah still hadn't opened the door yet, so he figured that she was asleep. Since she couldn't let him in, he decided to do it for her. He picked up a large stone near a bush and smashed the window open, and attempted to sneak upstairs hoping for a chance to watch Sarah sleep. As he tiptoed up the stairs, he saw a fairly bright light flashing in Sarah's bedroom. Once he reached the top of the stairs, he found the source of light to be Sarah playing her D.S. with James. What only made him more angry was the fact that they were playing Chengxi's favorite game: Pokemon. Devastated, Chengxi's eyes once began to tear up as he watched his only love play his favorite game with his mortal enemy. He vowed to never feel love for Sarah again, but even he knew that vow wouldn't last for long.

Later the next day, he went to Sarah's house again very early in the morning. Chengxi couldn't take the pain, and he needed to have a glimpse of Sarah. Since he had already broken one window and felt that it would be rude if he broke another one, he stole a ladder from the neighbor's garage. He climbed the ladder, being cautious not to slip on the thick ice stuck to the ladder steps, and opened Sarah's bedroom window. When finally, Chengxi saw the girl of his dreams. Sarah was lying in bed, snoring away, with a slight amount of drool coming from the side of her mouth. Chengxi desperately wanted to climb into bed with the sleeping beauty, however he suddenly felt another tingle, and believing it was love, once again dove in for a wet, sloppy kiss. However, just as he was about to place his lips onto Sarah's, he sneezed, but this time splashing a large amount of slimy mucus onto Sarah's poor face.

(Author's note: At this point, you probably know that if Chengxi ever feels a tingly feeling, you should probably skip a few lines if the imagery isn't very appealing to you.)

As the mucus landed onto her face, her eyes burst open, filled with startle.  The first thing she saw when she awoke was a small stream of green goo releasing from Chengxi's nose, as he stared at Sarah, only about a foot away from her face. He smiled and said, "Good morning Princess Voon" as Sarah took a tissue from the tissue box on her nightstand and wiped the snot off of her face. She rebuked Chengxi, with great anger, and told him that it wasn't normal to break into someone's house, watch them sleep, and then sneeze on their face. Chengxi himself was beginning to grow angry by the second. He wakes up early and does whatever it takes to see his true love, and yet she shows no appreciation? He was beginning to doubt the feelings he had for Sarah.

Sarah told him to leave her house, and she yelled at him once again. As Chengxi walked out of the house, he saw James' swagger-filled mini van pull into the driveway. Chengxi filled with envy and disappointment, and left feeling unloved. As he was walking home, he began to realize how suave and charming James was. He thought to himself, "Why can't I be like James? He's so muscular, and he's got such a chiseled face! He's loved by everyone and has the most adorable personality." He frowned as he realized that he was complimenting James immensely. It was now 6:22 PM; only eight more minutes until his bedtime. He put on his My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic pajamas and climbed into his blanket. A stream of tears began flowing from his eyes, as he began to realize that he might never get Sarah Voon back. He wondered why Sarah couldn't handle him any more. "I mean, I'm nice, friendly, sweet, polite, and I care about others! What more would she possible want?" Chengxi thought. After a few minutes of silence, Chengxi realized that the adjectives he used to describe himself were one, untrue, and two, synonyms.

The next day was a school day, and Chengxi was quite nervous to see Sarah once again after "The Incident". After all, they had every single class together, because Chengxi had threatened to murder the principal's family if he wasn't placed with Sarah for all periods. First period was Honors Band, and Chengxi was anxious and prepared to take his chair test. Unfortunately, he was placed last chair in the testing, and James was placed first. Chengxi grumbled a few curse words under his breath, and attempted to cast a spell on James which he hoped would kill him. The next few periods flew by fairly quickly, and it was soon lunchtime. Chengxi usually sat with Sarah but today, she sat with a different selection. Chengxi sat alone, gnawing on the stick of butter that he had packed himself for lunch, and would sneak a few looks in  Sarah's direction every once in a while. He desperately wanted a taste. He would look back at his stick of butter, and then slowly rotate his head towards Sarah's direction. He was convinced that he was truly in love. In Sarah's hand was a Twinkie, and Chengxi loved licking twinkies more than anything else in the world. He jumped onto Sarah's lunch table to grab the Twinkie, but also sending other lunches plummeting to the ground. James quickly came to the rescue, and grabbed Chengxi by the arm, easily dragging him to the nearest trash can, then dumping him in. Chengxi was struggling ferociously, like a rabid dog, yet was no match for the muscles of James. That day, James became a legend, and was known throughout the school for defeating the boy simply known as "That one kid who tried the steal Voon's Twinkie".

Later that night, Chengxi rode his scooter to Sarah's house, hoping she would accept his apology. He rang the doorbell this time, and Sarah opened the door slowly. She truly tried to smile at her visitor, but it was impossible at this point. He  walked in after seeing cookies on the kitchen counter, and began to help himself to multiple cookies at once as Sarah sighed. After finally finishing the entire box of cookies, Chengxi sat down on her couch, and started to watch his favorite show, Ben 10. Sarah was still standing there, expecting him to say something, as if he didn't just impolitely walk into her house and steal her cookies, yet received not a single word. After several Ben 10 episodes had ended, Chengxi had forgotten what he was going to say. He saw Sarah sleeping on the other end of the couch, and sat there emotionless. He had prepared himself a bag of popcorn for the episodes, and couldn't find a trash can to throw the popcorn container in,
so he put the popcorn bag on top of Sarah's sleeping body, hoping it would act as a blanket and keep her warm throughout the night. He shrugged, left her house completely trashed, and forgot to lock the front door.

The next morning, at exactly 8:00 sharp, Chengxi received a text from Sarah Voon. It stated that he was no longer welcome in her life, let alone in her house, along with the message was an attached image. It was a picture of Sarah, her brand new shirt soaked with popcorn butter. Chengxi suddenly remembered, he had put four sticks of melted butter onto the popcorn, and the pool of butter at the bottom of the bag had somehow leaked through the container and into her shirt. Chengxi texted her, "Just take off your shirt, so you don't have to deal with the greasy butter." Of course, Sarah knew what he was trying to do, and told him that he was perverted and sick-minded, and that he was never allowed to talk to her again. She sent him one last message declaring that her heart officially belonged to James, and blocked his number.

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