Chapter 4

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Lauren's P.O.V

Luke Hemmings was all I thought. I couldn't believe that the boy who bumped into me was Luke Hemmings. It was really weird how out of all people that I can run into, I run into Luke who's also going to be attending the triple ho show. I also just noticed that Dinah wasn't with me & I strictly remember her telling me she was going to the restroom or was it somewhere else.....shit I don't remember. I was deep into my thoughts when Luke decided to say something again

"So umm how's your day been going?" he said awkwardly

"It's been very busy & very tiring thank you....& how's yours been?"

"It's been really busy but the good thing is that I did run into one of the most beautiful girl's I've ever seen"

Omg! I thought to myself. Did he just say I was beautiful? Is he hitting on me? Does he like me? I just meet the guy how can he think I'm beautiful. Well he is beautiful himself. Especially with those amazing ocean blue eyes.....wait! Lauren snap out of it. You don't have time to flirt with this guy btw where's my damn food? I've literally been waiting for like a hour or so. Or at least that's how it felt. I snapped out of my thoughts again but this time by another guy who apparently knew Luke

"Hey mate who's this lovely looking girl?" He said

"Calum this is Lauren, Lauren from fifth harmony & Lauren this is my good old friend Calum"

"Nice to meet you Lauren" calum said

"Nice to meet you to Calum. So you're part of the band too?"

"Yes, I play the bass which in my opinion is way better than playing the guitar am I right Luke" he said while laughing a bit

"You wish it was better" Luke commented

"So Lauren why is a pretty girl like you all alone with no security around to protect her?" Calum asked

"Well, Calum first of all I'm not alone my friend Dinah is here with me. She's just in the lady's room & we thought that having security with us would expose us more"

"Makes sense" Calum said

Laurennnn! I heard in a voice that I knew who it belonged to. Looks like Dinah finally appeared from wherever she disappeared to

"Lauren! Where the hell have you been? I have been looking for you everywhere like a crazy person do you know that!?"

"Dinah I've been in line the whole time what are you talking about?"

"Why? Our food was called like a long time ago!"

"I'm sorry Dinah I didn't know. Can you also take a breath & calm down cuz you're yelling & creating a big scene"

"You're right I'm sorry. I don't mean to yell but I was worried sick. I thought someone kidnapped you or something"

"Don't worry we wouldn't let that happen anyways love" Calum said

Dinah looked very confused on who these guys were & why they were with me. I can tell that she was going to interrogate them & I truly felt bad for the two cuz I know Dinah can be very terrifying at times

"Excuse me but who are you? & how do you know Lauren? Or were you guys trying to kidnap her?"

"I umm we're umm we umm......Luke" Calum said in a frightened voice

".......we umm.....umm don't hurt us" Luke replied with fear of thinking that Dinah would hurt them

"I'm going to ask one more time & you guys better answer or we're going to have a problem got it!" Dinah stated

"You are you & how do you know Lauren?"

"Dinah! Stop! You're scaring the poor boys. They don't mean any harm. They were in line with me & we just starting talk. Plus they're very nice boys & they're from the band 5 seconds of summer which they're also attending the triple ho show"

"......fine! I won't hurt them but only cuz they didn't give you any harm & they seem nice" Dinah said

"Thank you"

"Now let's get out of here & head back they're probably looking for us" Dinah suggested

"Yeah, okay. See you guys at the triple ho & I'm really sorry about my friend. She's just really protective"

"It's fine" they both said


"Bye" they both said

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