Pie/new boy

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**********CHAPTER TWO**********

*Deans P.O.V*

As i drove to school me and Sam stopped by a corner store by the the school to buy some junk for lunch.

"So what are you gunna get Sam,we need to get to school before the first bell." I said as i grabbed a drink,a burger from the fridge and some pie. Man do I love pie.

"Really dean, pie for lunch?" Sam said giving me a questioned look.

"Heh what's wrong with pie for lunch." I answers back smiling as i put my stuff on the counter to pay.

"I don't know,doesn't really look like a good lunch to me" Sam said as he put his lunch on the counter next to mine.

"We'll that's you, and as for me,I gotta have my pie" i said giving Sam a funny grin.

"Haha ok,whatever you say bro"he said while getting his things.

After entering the car i drove both of us to school which was about 10-15 mins away. When we got there, we got there just in time as the first bell rang for first period.

"Ahh back to this hell hole" I said as I grabbed my backpack from the back if the seat.

I slowly made my way to my first period class as i really didn't want to be here right now.but it was better then being at home with a drunken father who would hit you for no reason. I hated the way my father would treat me and Sam but Sam didn't get hit as much as i did which i somewhat didn't mind. I would rather get hit then have Sam go through it.

This all started happening after my mother Mary passed away from a huge and tragic car crash 2 years ago and ever since that happened My dad has been getting drunk every now and then and hitting us saying it was our fault.

I didn't notice i was in front of my home room when my head met with with the door causing some kids to laugh inside. I didn't realize I had my head down.

"Dean, glad you can finally join us, now please take your seat,class will start shortly" said Mrs. Chamber, my science teacher.

It was weird having a woman be a science teacher,I always thought it would be a man teaching science but I guess everyone has there favorite subject.

I searched for a seat to sit in and spotted one in the back of the room near a dark haired boy with his head down. as i took my seat the dark haired boy stayed put as when the last bell rang he picked up his head, that's when i noticed the boy looked rather Handsome.

I always knew i was gay i just never told anyone,well other then Sam but i could never bring it up to My father knowing that He would possibly beat and kick me out of the house so i never told My dad.....my thoughts had gotten disrupted by the other boys voice.

"I'm sorry what was that?" I said as i didn't hear what the other boy said as i was admiring his ocean blue eyes.damn he had gorgeous eye,Stop it dean you don't even know his name, I told myself.

"I said, could you show me around the school I'm kinda new here?" The mysterious boy said, wow even his low voice sounded amazing. Oh stop it dean, you don't even know if he's gay or not, I told myself again.

"Uh ghum, sure what's your name?" I asked as i clearing my throat.

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***Like I said this is my first DESTIEL story so I hope your liking it so far***

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