Chapter Six: The New Apartment

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"This place is amazing," Christina whispered carrying in a box of Leona's stuff, it wasn't what she had been expecting when she had heard that Fernando was giving Leona an apartment in the city. 

The place put the family home to shame and Christina was a little jealous that Leona was going to get to live here; she would raise her child in this apartment unless Fernando moved them elsewhere. 

Fernando had signed paperwork that had promised that Leona and baby would be cared for, no matter where he went in life he had to make sure that they would be okay. 

Following her mother slowly into the apartment Leona nodded her head, there was no way she would have been able to afford a place like this especially on the pay that she got as a receptionist. 

It made Leona a little concerned about how people would see her when the news broke that she was carrying Fernando's baby; they would think she was some sort of gold-digger. 

The thought had entered Leona's head before, she knew that it was only a matter of time before the story leaked to the press and she would have to deal with that. 

Especially if there was going to be a big court case against Naya for what she had done, there were people lining up to see her punished but since Fernando was the highest profile client then everyone was going to take notice of his case. 

It was going to be a mess with a baby involved and it scared Leona what could happen when it came to the reveal; she didn't think she would be able to handle the pressure that was going to come. 

Peeking over at her mother, Leona hoped that Christina wasn't going to get too carried away; she wasn't going to spend the money that Fernando was giving her on stupid things.


Sliding his key into the lock, Fernando took a nervous breath before stepping into the apartment and closing the door securely behind him; he looked around not really knowing what to expect. 

Nothing had really changed and Fernando hoped that Leona would be comfortable here, he wasn't sure what would happen when he told Olalla what he had done but he had hidden all the spare keys to the apartment. 

The last thing that he wanted was for Olalla to get it in her head that she could come here and speak with Leona; she was still convinced the other woman was just going to hand over the baby as if it was nothing. 

"Madre is that you?" a voice called and Fernando paused, he felt a little awkward right now and wished that he'd knocked on the door; he wasn't entirely sure how Leona was going to react to seeing him. 

The blonde exited the living room and paused at the sight of Fernando, she certainly hadn't been expecting to see him so soon after she had moved into the apartment. 

Leona had thought that maybe he would avoid her completely until the baby had been born, even then he wouldn't be interesting in being around her with Olalla in the picture. 

"Hola," Leona mumbled not sure if she really preferred this over her mother coming back, she had become a little bit of a pain when she had been helping Leona move in. 

Christina hadn't been able to stop gushing about the apartment and how wonderful things were working out; it had started to get on Leona's last nerve. 

There were other things for her to worry about other than the nice apartment that she was now living in, Leona just wanted to ease into the fact that she really was going to have a baby in a few months.

"What are you doing here?" Leona asked crossing her arms, she felt self-conscious about him being here and she had no idea why Fernando had come; she was a little worried about talking with him alone. 

The last thing that she wanted to happen was for Fernando or anyone else to talk her into something that she didn't want to do; she feared what would happen to her and her baby if she did. 

Fernando blinked staring at her, he didn't blame her for looking wary about him being there; he wasn't there to cause any trouble only to speak with her. 

He wanted to get to know the woman that was carrying his baby, Fernando was linked with Leona for the rest of their lives because of the baby that Leona was carrying. 

"I wanted to come and talk to you," Fernando said calmly, he hoped that she would be comfortable here and he was dreading explaining any of this to Olalla; he just hoped that she wasn't going to make this difficult. 

The last thing that Fernando wanted was to fight with his fiancée, they had been doing so well and he was doing the right thing for his unborn child. 

Fernando wanted to be on good terms with Leona, he was sure that they could be good friends when it came down to this; it would be a nightmare if he didn't have that with her. 

They were going to have a baby together and Fernando wanted to be a large part of his child's life, he wanted to be able to come here when he wanted without worrying about upsetting Leona. 

"I'll put the kettle on," Leona mumbled eyeing Fernando, she turned around and walked away wanting a moment to wrap her head around the fact that he was here. 

Her father hadn't told her that Fernando would be wanting to speak to her, Leona had just assumed that they would be doing all of their talking through lawyers. 

Slowly following after Leona, Fernando could only hope that this went well and he wouldn't have to worry about what the mother of his unborn child would be like.


"I have a couple of scan pictures if you would like one?" Leona asked peeking at the footballer, they had spent a couple of hours getting to know one another and it had really eased her mind about things. 

There was still a little tension between them and it was to be expected, this really was the first time they had a conversation apart from the time that Fernando had visited her in the hospital. 

Fernando stared at Leona and slowly nodded his head, he wanted something to show off, to prove that he was going to be a father in a few months' time. 

Leona got to her feet and moved to collect the scan picture for Fernando, it was a little unreal that it was actually of their baby; it didn't really look like one yet but it would in time. 

Watching Leona for a moment, Fernando leant back on the couch remembering the last time that he had held a scan picture; it had been weeks before Olalla had miscarried back in 2009 and they had been forced to try insemination in an attempt to fall pregnant again. 

Nothing was working so far and Fernando was starting to think that there actually might be something wrong; he was just too scared to bring it up to Olalla. 

It didn't take long for Leona to return, she carefully handed the scan over and smiled a little at Fernando; his eyes suddenly glued to the picture of their unborn child. 

His heart pounded in his chest and Fernando's eyes locked onto the small bean like shape on the scan, he couldn't believe that this was his baby and that he would be a father by the end of it. 

Fernando was going to wait a couple more weeks before he told Olalla what was going on, he didn't want her doing anything that could upset or stress Leona out when her pregnancy seemed to be going so well. 

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