Chapter Twenty-Seven: Retirement Announcement

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"Are you sure about this?" Leona asked sitting down with Freya on her lap, she felt so out of place but she knew how much it meant to Fernando that they were both here for this moment.

It had been a hard decision for Fernando to make and Leona didn't want him to regret it the moment that it was done; he still had time to change his mind and she would support him in whatever decision he made.

Fernando nodded his head, he had put a lot of thought into this and he knew that he was making the right decision; he was sure that things were going to work out well for them.

"It's time," Fernando mumbled focusing on Freya, he would get to spend more time with her before he made a decision about what he would do next with his life.

He had no idea what was going to happen but he knew that he was looking forward to spending more time with Leona and Freya while he had the chance to do so.

"You look beautiful," Fernando whispered smiling at Leona, the print maxi dress that she was wearing looked lovely and he was glad that she was here with him now.

It had been a hard decision to make but he was certain about this, Fernando was just glad that he had Leona and Freya with him; the family that they had together meant everything to him.

Freya babbled happily on her mother's knee while the announcement of her father's retirement at the end of the season was announced; she stared up at him with her big blue eyes.

Leona watched as Fernando fussed over Freya, she didn't know how she had gotten so lucky but she did know that the future was going to be an interesting one.

Pressing a kiss to the top of Freya's head, Fernando moved to get to his feet knowing that it was his turn to say some words about his impending retirement.

"I would like to thank you all for being here today," Fernando started once he had taken to the stage, he was a little nervous and there was a large number of people here; he focused on those who mattered to him most.

Most of his family were here today and Fernando wanted to make them all proud, he was worried that no one would be pleased with what he was doing.

"My career started in 1995 at this club and now twenty-two years I am ending my career at this club," Fernando said unable to believe that this was actually happening and he knew that he was going to make this work.

Leona watched him from her seat, it surprised her how long that he had being professionally playing football for; now it was coming to an end and she had no idea what he was going too next but she was sure that he would find something.

"I have played with a great footballers and I know that this is the time for the next generation to come forward," Fernando continued guessing that this would all work itself out, he had a few weeks left until the end of the season and he was going to enjoy them.

He even had a holiday planned out for him, Leona and Freya so that they could have some time to relax; Fernando knew that he wasn't going to regret the decision that he was making.

Liverpool, Chelsea, AC Milan and Atlético Madrid had been amazing teams to play for, Fernando was sure to cherish the moments that he had shared at each club.

Now it was time to look forward to the future and Fernando had some plans, his gym was doing well and Fernando wanted to make this a good time for them all.

It was time to move on with his life and Fernando knew that this meant that he could finally do things that he had always dreamed of; he was sure that it would be an adventure.


"I've been thinking," Fernando said moving to sit down next to Leona, he was glad to be home and away from everyone else; he wanted to relax now that his retirement had been announced to the world.

Everyone was talking about it and Fernando wanted to forget about the world for a while, he was happy at home with Leona and Freya; they were having a quiet night in without any distractions.

Freya was sound asleep and Fernando was glad that the five month old was sleeping better now, he adored his daughter but it was rare that he had moments with Leona like this.

Leona set down her book and looked at Fernando, she tilted her head curious about what had crossed his mind while he had been putting Freya to bed.

"How do you feel about America?" Fernando asked curiously, he had put a lot of thought into this and he knew what he wanted to do; he was sure that they would be able to do something that they would both enjoy.

Leona blinked not sure where he was going about this, she wasn't entirely sure where he was going with this; they had been talking about going on holiday once the season was over and she guessed that it could be linked with that.

"What about it?" Leona asked inquisitively, she curled up on the couch while Fernando settled more comfortable next to her and smiled pleased that she hadn't turned him away.

His hand lazily rested on Leona's leg, his fingers brushed against her leg while he thought carefully about what he wanted to say to her.

"Maybe we could go live there," Fernando suggested watching her face closely, he wasn't sure what she was going to think about this but he knew that he had to ask.

Fernando had done a lot of thinking about what he would do now and there was so much that he had wanted to do but hadn't been able to do because of his career.

Leona was silent while she took in what he had said, she hadn't been expecting it and it had come as a bit of a surprise; she couldn't help but wonder where this had come from when they were going to be okay.

"It's just something that I've always wanted to do and now I'm retiring," Fernando mumbled shrugging his shoulders, he had done a lot of thinking and he wanted to know if it was something that Leona had thought about.

He wasn't talking about moving in the next week but Fernando wanted to consider it for the future when he had retired from football; it wasn't going to be simple but he knew that it was an idea that had played on his mind.

Leona slowly nodded her head, she was wrapping her mind about this and she could see that this wasn't anything big; they had been together for five months and she was enjoying their time together.

"Okay... did you have somewhere in mind?" Leona asked softly, she was fine with talking about this and she had to admit that this wasn't what she had expected.

They had been talking about taking a nice family holiday together, somewhere where they could relax with Freya and not have to deal with paparazzi stalking them for pictures.

Fernando watched her for a moment, he had been doing a little research wanting to be prepared in case she did like his idea of moving to America.

"I was thinking Santa Barbara, California... it's a good area," Fernando said knowing that he liked the idea, he had considered New York but he wanted somewhere that they could have a garden for Freya to play in.

The idea of leaving Spain again was daunting and Fernando couldn't imagine how Leona would feel about leaving her home behind but it was going to be an adventure.

Leona swallowed thinking about what he said, it was a big step to even think about for them now.

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