Chapter 1

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I squint through the rain that is currently pouring down as I try to look for some form of a building. 

I notice some faint red flickering lights which usually means that there is a motel there.

I run across the road and sure enough it's a motel.

I run up to the building pushing the doors open and slamming them shut behind me.

I walk up to the front desk while digging money out of my purse hoping that I have enough for at least tonight.

Once I've grabbed the exact amount of money and hand it to the woman across from me I thank her as I grab my room key making my way to room 102.

I come to a halt at the end of the long hallway standing in front of my room door.

I unlock the door stepping inside and closing the door behind me.

I haven't had a dry place to sleep in a couple of days which means no bed, no shower, and hardly any food.

I place the room key on the bed side table while I sit down on the rusty bed.

After laying in silence for a couple of minutes I decide to go down to the lobby to see if they have any food for sale.

I don't bother to grab my key as I'm not planning on locking my door behind me anyways.

I walk down the long hallway to the "lobby" if you can call it that, where I am hopping to find someone at the front desk. Of course, with the luck I have  there is absolutely no one around.

I wait for about five minutes before I decide that even though it's only about seven I will go to bed anyways and not worry about eating.

The meals I've missed and the traveling I've been doing, mainly walking, had kind of made me more and more tired everyday. Some days I don't even know if I can move.

The cold I have from sleeping outside and the amount of rain we get in England isn't exactly helping either.

I sigh turning to walk down the hallway all the way back to my room.

I keep my head down while sniffling a lot.

It's not until I've fallen onto my butt that I realize someone else is Also in this building.

"Sorry love." I hear a deep voice say. I notice their hand out stretched towards me offering me their help. I greatly accept it.

Once I'm on my feet I decide to look up coming face to face with some really tall, emerald green eyed, curly, brown hair man.

"Oh um, s-sorry about that." I awkwardly apologize, quickly averting my gaze back down to the ground.

"Oh it's okay, it was my fault too, I'm a bit clumsy at times." The man laughs, his entire face lighting up, his eyes crinkling ever so slightly and dimples in his cheeks becoming very obvious.

"y-yeah me too." I nod attempting smile although it probably comes across as though I'm constipated.

The stranger just stands there staring me down a look on his face that I can't say I recognize.

He's probably trying to figure out if you're even worth his time a voice in my head subconsciously tells me.

"Harry." The stranger eventually speaks breaking me from my thoughts.

It takes me a minute to register that he has his hand outstretched and has just introduced himself to me.

"Oh um, i-I'm Jade." I speak quietly as I shake his hand.

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