Chapter 2

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Jades POV

When I wake up I notice that I am in an unfamiliar place.

I attempt to sit up which causes my head to painfully throb and all of the past current events come rushing back to me.

I look down to see that I am in a,for me anyway, oversized hoodie and sweatpants.

I carefully push the blankets off of me, and place my feet on the ground. When I attempt to stand up the area on my thigh that was stabbed begins to throb in extreme pain but I choose to ignore it as I make my way out of the bedroom and down a dimly lit hallway.

When I reach the end of the hallway I see that I am now standing in a smaller, but nicely decorated living Room. I limp through it and through another door that leads to the kitchen. When I reach the kitchen I look around for a clock and begin to panic when I notice that it's dark outside.

How long was I out for?

I turn back around into the living room where I notice a fireplace with a couple of photographs in smaller frames all nicely placed.

I pick one up and smile at it. It's just a simple photo of Harry with a girl who looks slightly similar and a bit older than him.

"That's my sister Gemma." A voice interrupts my thoughts.

I quickly put the picture back down in its spot and turn around to see Harry standing shirtless, wet haired and in a pair of sweat pants.

"Sorry." I apologize as I avert my face back down at the ground.

"Oh no worries," he waves me off as I look up. Showing that it's no big deal. "Anyway,how are you feeling?" He asks me truly seeming concerned but I have to be careful to trust him.

After all Jake seemed like he cared but he clearly just cared about my body.

"I'm okay." I attempt a smile which turns into a wince as I put to much pressure onto my leg.

"Okay."Harry nods and I'm thankful that he's so gullible. "Now the truth?"

Or not.

"The truth?" I scoff. "I feel like shit and my head and leg are throbbing and I'm starving. But thanks for your concern." I reply a little harsher than I had originally intended to.

"Oh right! Here come with me into the kitchen." Harry instructs me so I curiously but cautiously follow him.

As soon as I reach the kitchen he waved me over to the counter he is standing at. So naturally, I go over to him.

Without saying a word he gently picks me up and places me on the counter as he begins to pull the pant leg up my leg.

I begin to panic as flashbacks rush into my mind from the night when I was fifteen.

I put my hand on his hand to stop him from whatever he's attempting to do although I think I know exactly what he's doing. Taking advantage of my weak and injured state.

"W-what are you doing?" I nervously whisper completely terrified and I don't know for sure, but I think he notices because he gives me a reassuring smile and a nod.

"It's okay. I'm just trying to help." Harry whispers the all too familiar words.

But for some reason. I let him continue.

When he sees that I'm okay with him doing it he slowly pushes the pant leg up, eventually stopping mid thigh to reveal a white bandage cloth.

"I was just going to change this for you so it doesn't get infected." He tells me as he begins to carefully and slowly unwrap the bandage.

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