Chapter 23

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December 31st 2012

My last day with Harry. Today we've basically watched movies and drank tea, tonight we are watching the New Years countdown and eating snacks. Or so Harry thinks. I feel extremely guilty about the fact that I'm leaving him tonight, but I would feel even more guilty if he died and there was a way I could prevent it, but didn't. Richard is supposed to call me sometime today to confirm everything but so far what I know is that Harry is running into town later today to buy some snacks for tonight and when he does that I will wait about fifteen minutes to make sure he is gone before leaving him myself. Harry is currently watching a movie and I am snuggled up under a blanket with him while reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, so far today has been a fairly relaxing afternoon. Just when I'm about to start a new chapter I feel a light vibrating in my pocket. I quickly get up from my spot beside Harry who looks at me curiously. "Sorry, I just have to pee." I explain as I make my way into the bathroom. I turn on the fan and lock the door before I answer my phone.


"Jade, lovely to hear your voice again." Richard's voice sends chills down my spine and I actually shiver at the thought of him. "So, I don't really have time for chit-chat but just so we're clear I'll be seeing you in about an hour in the parking lot behind that school. And you better not be late."

"Yeah I know, I'll be there. I'll send Harry out and as soon as he leaves I'll come."

"Good. Well then that's everything, I'll see you soon dear." Richard chuckles from the other end of the phone.

I don't even bother saying goodbye as I hang up my phone. I sit down on the toilet seat and sigh as I place my head on my hands.

"Hey babe you okay? You've been in there a while." Harry calls through the door as he softly knocks on it.

I stand up from the toilet and exit the bathroom where I greet Harry with a smile. "Yeah I'm okay, just zoned out I guess. Hey it's almost five O'clock already, why don't you head into town and grab the snacks and I'll start dinner."

"Yeah sure. I'll be right back." Harry gives me a quick kiss before making his way towards the front door. After he has his coat and shoes on he makes his way outside before waving goodbye. Right before he gets into his vehicle I swing the door open and run over to him.

"Harry wait!" I call to him just before he closes the car door. He looks over at me before getting out of his vehicle. When I walk up to him I grab his face in my hands as he wraps his arms around my waist, both of us leaning in for a passionate kiss. Our lips move in sync together and Harry smiles down at me after we pull apart.

"What was that for?" He chuckles as his hand raises to my face, his fingertips lightly grazing my lips. "Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against it, it's just not usually you."

"I just love you a lot is all, and I want you to always remember that, no matter what happens in our lives, now or in the future, I will always love you."

"I love you too, forever." Harry smiles down at me and when I look into his eyes I notice a faint sparkle in the corner of his eye, almost like a tear.

"Good, now get going, I'll see you later and I love you."

"Love you too, see you in an hour ish." He smiles as he gets back into his range rover, taking off down the road.

The second he is out of sight I run into our bedroom where I quickly grab my bag and begin to shove anything that I know belongs to me into it. After I've finished grabbing all my stuff I quickly walk over to Harry's side of the bed where I open his bedside table drawer. I quickly grab a couple of the many polaroid pictures we took together and place them in my jacket pocket. I then grab one of my favourite hoodies of Harry's, a purple Jack Wills hoodie, I'm not planning on being gone for too long so I hope he won't hate me too much for taking it. Once I'm sure I have everything I rush to grab my keys before running out to my car and speeding down the drive. It's currently 5:45 and I have about twenty minutes until I reach the school. Technically on Richard's terms I'll be five minutes late at least but as long as this plan goes through then he won't be able to hurt me, or anyone, anymore for the rest of his life. I pretty much block the entire drive out of my mind so without even realizing that I was there I pull into the parking lot where a small beat up black car is parked in the far end of the parking lot, other than that this place is completely abandoned. I park my car and turn it off before cautiously stepping out. Once I close the door of my car I slowly move away from it, carefully walking towards the black car. As soon as I reach the middle of the parking lot two tall and muscular guys step out of the vehicle with Richard. As I stare at the two men behind Richard I gasp when I recognize one of them as being Jake.

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