The date

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The sun was rolling up to the sky. Lawrence awoke and crawled out of the shelter. The horses were tied to trees because they had no pen. He piled sticks together and lit them with a match. The fire was heating and shot up with tremendous power. Lawrence watched the little stripes dance and fight for oxygen and space. He heated up steaks in a pot over the fire. "Hello, Your up early" Kelly sat down next to him. "Yep, I guess" Lawrence looked at her. He liked Sahara but Kelly looked good to. "What made you wake up?" Kelly asked. He shrugged, "I don't know" Lawrence whispered. "I'm not sure that you all welcome me" Kelly muttered. "What? No! We all welcome you it's just that you don't talk to anybody except me and Jacob." Lawrence told her. "I guess" She looked down. 

"Hello" Sahara emerged. "Hey," Lawrence stood up and gave her a hug. "Steaks for breakfast?" Sahara asked. "All we have left" Lawrence sat down. "So you both are dating?" Kelly looked at them. "No, It's not official. But we are not telling them so keep it down please" Sahara informed. 

After they ate and had fun around the fire, Alexandria and Lawrence went to the horses. Lawrence grabbed a English saddle and placed it on Brace. Lawrence buckled the girth and then tightened it on the other side. Alexandria put an English saddle on Her mare. Lawrence put a bridle on the horse and looked at the horse. Brace had a simple grazing bit on. Lawrence pulled down the stirrups and saw Alexandria do hers. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" Lawrence asked. "Yes! I will go get out of these clothes and into something good" Alexandria went to the house and behind it was a standing shed she got changed in. 

After waiting for a long time. Alexandria walked out with Black Jodhpurs with purple inside the leg. She had a purple shirt. Lawrence wore dark blue jeans with a black shirt. "You look nice" Lawrence hugged her and put her on her horse. Lawrence mounted Brace and gave him a kick. Together they rode off through the woods. Brace walked well beside Alexandria's horse. "Alexandria," Lawrence called her name. "Call me Alex." Alex ordered. "Okay Alex, What are you going to name your horse?" Lawrence asked. "Elegance" She replied. They rode their horse to a quiet spot in the meadow. Lawrence swung his leg over and jumped off. He chased the running Alex. She took off to the flower patches. He chased her down the wills before catching her and shaking her around. Alex turned around and looked Lawrence in the eyes. He leaned forward and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his stomach and they kissed for a minute before catching their breathe. 

Lawrence walked to brace who was grazing next to Elegance. Alex jumped on her horse and Elegance stepped back. "Race ya!" Alex galloped Elegance off. Lawrence jumped on Brace and galloped off after them. Lawrence was behind with Brace. Elegance held up a lengthy stride for a couple lengths. Brace cantered for a couple strides, He let Lawrence stand up and lean over his neck. "Come on boy! Run!" Lawrence yelled and felt a stride open up. Lawrence passed Alex and headed for the woods. The trail opened to a 18 inch cross rail fence. Brace pushed forward and Lawrence eased up a bit and the glided over the jump. Elegance followed as horses sat in a field they ran with Brace and Elegance. 

A Unhappy farmer started firing shotgun rounds after them. The next fence was ahead and Brace jumped it with no problems. Lawrence led them around a tractor and back up into the Forest. Brace slowed to a stop when back in the meadow. The day was great and fun.

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