Why am I Doing This?

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Turn back now before it's too late!
It's too late.
You have probably come into this book just as confused as I am. You may think the following :
-Why am I here?
-Who does this person think she is?
-How does she know what I'm thinking?
-Woah, this isn't her Avengers Imagines book...
-What if we are all secretly salmons?

If that's what you were thinking, then congrats! You are thinking what I am thinking as I write the prologue to this book. Today is a boring Tuesday night at approximately 8:08pm here in Canada. I have no idea why I'm writing this book. I guess I wanted a personal book where I could speak my mind, say random stuff, and connect with other people. I might end up deleting it one day but oh well.

You know, I don't know why I'm writing this page because who really reads the prologue of any book?
Well actually a lot of people do you moron
Yeah. Sure. Those are probably the same people that say they have never peed in the shower.
True. True.

I should probably wrap this up soon, umm,mmmmmm,Mmm
Any last remarks?
Yes! Don't do drugs children! Face your problems with MURDER!
Oh god that's terrible device don't listen to her
What are you talking about? It's convenient, affordable, and won't give you bad teeth!
What the-- she has a knife run! Guys quick! Turn back before it's too late!
It already is......mwhaha
Lol jk. Or am I?!

Yes. I did have a conversation with myself.
Oh god I'll regret publishing this.
So sit back, relax, and don't vomit on your carpet because it's hard to clean up. Trust me. Experience.
Get ready for rants, randomness, and an inside look of my opinions which you probably don't care about!

Enjoy my insanity,

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