The Teacher

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Well hello! Today I thought it would be a great idea to share a story of the most terrifyingly creepy teacher in existence.
So, let's start at the beginning.

The living terror started at the beginning of September, when school starts back up for the people living in my area. Now, many things can go through ones mind at the first day back at school, but for me I only thought of one thing.

Why did I think this you ask? Well, I was assigned to a class with the worst teacher I have ever had. And believe me, I have met bad people.
This teacher (let's just call him Mr.G) was the seventh grade teacher with a strong resemblance to Mr.Clean.

He was tall and somewhat lean and muscular at the same time

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He was tall and somewhat lean and muscular at the same time. His eyes were sunk into his forehead and had no lips. AT. ALL.
Seriously, I don't even know how a human is capable of having such non-existing lips.
His head was shaved bald and shone like a greased pole when in the sunlight. His calves were the shape triangles and his nose the shape of a hawks beak. He smelled like black coffee and orange pekoe tea.
He always wore neutral colours and a beige safari hat that he had gotten from when he went to Africa . He always mumbled, and never opened his mouth wide enough to tell if he had teeth. But the worst part, were his stares. It is said by those who have survived my past class, that his stares can kill puppies. This is probably true. He used to stare at the girls in my class really weird, especially me and my friends. It made us super uncomfortable. No wonder he got divorced.

He was also extremely rude and creepy. Here are a list of things he has said to the  class that I still remember:

-"This is the worst class I have ever taught in my years of teaching"
-"None of you are ever going to be successful in life"
-"You're not here to have fun, you're here to learn"
-"I have a life out of this school that you don't know about"
-"You are all going to fail!"

Nice guy right? Wrong.
This man was rude to his class, discouraging, creepy, and a total prick. I don't know why he thought it was alright to torment kids this way. Our class wasn't even that bad, and he still put us down everyday for not knowing stuff or not doing stuff right. He caused kids to move out of the school and our whole class signed a petition to get him to stop teaching, but it "mysteriously disappeared" when we gave it to the principal.

Now, as much as I hate to boast, I must say that I am a smart (and delicious) cookie. Every year I get straight A's and have never gotten lower than 70% on my report cards. But in Mr.G's class I got my first EVER 'C' on my report card. It was from gym class. The most torturous of all classes in that grade.
Instead of playing badminton or volleyball or soccer in gym class, he would make us run
One kilometre every day without stopping. I couldn't do this. I have severe asthma and the first time I tried to do the run, I fainted on the yard.
So after all of the times I blacked out or needed Advair (asthma inhaler), this teacher still gave me a 60%.

In the end, Mr.G was the most terrible human being I have ever met. He had a weird obsession with birds, hockey, and farming. I am so glad to be free from the misery he put me and many other students through.

This last picture was taken of a student named Nick. This was the last day we saw him. RIP. We don't know where he went....

Thank you for reading this far! The End~Stéph❤️Redangel259~

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Thank you for reading this far!
The End

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