Tagged ya!

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I was tagged by the adorable BookQueenofTatooine to do this tag! Thanks!

-Give five facts about yourself!
-Tag whomever you want! (You don't have to)
-Post it in a tag book, or in the comments!


1. I can't, and never will be able to, do a cartwheel. Just can't.

2. I've recently just got back onto Wattpad after a long ass hiatus. I re-watched Sherlock season four and it made me miss writing imagines. Glad I'm back, but kinda sad that half my friends on here are gone tho lol. Anyways I kinda want to start a new book, but then I also got no time for that. Ya know?

3. I FREAKING LOVE throwback music! Especially the 80's! They tell such great stories and give inspiration for writing. Some of my favourite artists are : The Police, The Bee Gees, Queen, Prince, and Simon and Garfunkel to name a few. (One of my fav song at the moment is Don't Stand So Close To Me by The Police ⬇️)

4. My favourite season in Autumn/Fall! Pretty leaves, sweaters, scarves, hot chocolate, and most importantly...

HALLLLLOOOOOWEEEEEEEN! Still don't know my costume lol. Any suggestions?

5. I love horror movies! Even though I cover my ears and eyes for half of the movie! My favourites are: It (2017), Crimson Peak, The Boy, and The Conjuring 2!


Now, I tag these lovely people! (You don't have to do it if you don't want to tho)









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