In Which I Move

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          "I can't believe I'm helping you move." Allison complained.

          "Because you're my best friend." I responded, taping a box shut. "And you love me." I scrawled 'Kitchen' across the top, and recapped the marker. "Could you take that to the U-Haul, bestie?"

          Allison stared at me for a second. "The things I do for you," she complained before leaning over and picking up the box.

          "I love you!" I shouted after her, and smirked when she scoffed.

          Looking around my kitchen, I felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness. The room was so empty, so quiet.

         "C'mon, you!" I heard Allison yell, leaning on the car's horn. "Get your ass out here!"

          Giving my old house one last watery glance, I grabbed my purse and walked out of my old life and into my new one.


          Nebraska was downright boring compared to California. I half-expected everyone to have a cow and a handful of chickens in their yard, but it was not to be. The land was fairly flat, with a few hills here and there.  The never ending fields made me feel small and insignificant. 

          "Wow, this is one lame-ass place." I shot a questioning look at Allison. "Just look at this place. Boring as hell."

          I grinned at her. "Who cares? It's kinda pretty, I think." Allison snorted. "It may be a bit... bland... but it does have its own beauty."

          "Whatever," Allison shrugged. "I don't have to live here."


          Lincoln left much to be desired. The buildings were boring, the people looked boring, and even the animals looked boring.

          My new home was a squat white ranch-style house. A woman wearing a navy blue dress and a plastic-looking smile stood next to a swing on the porch.

          I latched a leash onto Ty and stepped out of the car. He spazzed up the walkway toward the woman, threatening to pull my arm out of the socket.

          The woman's cheery smile nearly slipped off her face when my yellow lab bounded up to greet her. "Hello!" She chirped. "My name is Melanie. Welcome to your new home!"

          I stared at her, wondering if the long car ride had pushed me into hallucinations. "Holy shit," I heard Allison mutter behind me. "It's a fucking robot."

          Apparently Melanie heard it too. Her eye twitched, but her cheesy smile stayed glued to her makeup-caked face. "Do you want a tour?"

          I blinked drearily at her. "... Sure."

          "Sounds good to me!" She turned on her heel and flounced into the house.

          "For your sake, I hope that not everybody is like that in this godforsaken place." Allison drawled. "Did you see that? She flounced. Nobody fucking flounces. Ever."

          "Second that," I agreed, following Melanie into the house.

          The house was a lot like Lincoln: pretty, yet bland. The main entrance way was a light blue color, and Ty's claws clicked against the wooden floor.

          The entranceway had three doors. One led to the kitchen, another to a hallway, and the last was a small coat closet.

         I wandered into the kitchen to find Melanie leaning against the counter. One side of the kitchen held about a dozen windows, and sunlight poured into the room. The walls were a bland tan color, and the counter tops were a darker brown. "Isn't this pretty?" Melanie asked. "I just love the way it's laid out."

          "Yeah," I agreed. "It is pretty."

          "Well then!" Melanie pushed herself up from the counter. "Let's go see the rest of the house."

          I followed her back into the entrance way. "This hallway includes the living room, a bathroom, and two bedrooms. What do you think?"

          I walked down the hallway. "Looks good to me," I said, peeking into the bedrooms.

          Melanie's smile blinded me for a second. "Great! I'm glad that you like it."

          "Yup," I agreed noncommittally. "Looks like a cool place."

          The woman beamed at me. "Good to hear that!" Glancing at her watch, she winced. "Sorry, but I have to go. People to see, places to go!" She spun around and bustled out of the door before I could get another word in.

          I walked back into the kitchen to find Allison staring out of one of the windows. "What do you think?" I asked her.

          Turning around, she fished in her purse for a few seconds. Pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, she lit one and sucked in a drag. "This house? Kinda lame. But, whatever. Watermelon, or whatever her name was? Insane." She blew out a stream of smoke. "What do you think?"

          Tapping my fingers on the tan wall, I smiled. "Her name's Melanie. And I think I'm going to like it here."

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