Chapter 1

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why do we begin if we don’t plan to finish

why do we love if we don’t want to get hurt

why do we live if someday we must die

why do we smile if we really hurt inside

why do we frown when everything is upside down

why do we plan but not take to action

why do we cry when someday it will be alright

why do we get mad if we really should be glad

why do we morn when somebody is gone

why do we say hi if we really mean goodbye

why do we question what shouldn't be questioned 

and answer what shouldn't be answered?

tell me now…why?

~ Helen Grandinson


It was my first day of term as a seventh year.

I smiled at the people who had the guts to look at me.

See, nobody who wasn't brave enough to get to know me adknowledged my existence. Everyone looked at me and labeled me as "Deatheater". My father had done this to me, but I understood.

If he hadn't, his family would have been killed.

But my father had gone about protecting his family in the wrong way.

I walked into the Transfiguration classroom. Nobody looked at me except a couple of my Slytherin friends. I smiled at them and promptly seated myself next to James Potter.

Yes, yes, I know what you are thinking. And yes, James Potter was my best friend.

The Transfiguration room was a rather drab room. There were enormous windows with shaby curtains hanging from them on the brick walls and the celing had chart of the constellations painted on it. The walls of the classroom were lined with books in varying states of age. A coulple owls fluttered in and perched themselves on a bookshelf.

James winked at me.

"Who are you staring at, Scorpius?" he asked, his eyes searching for where mine had been staring.

"Honestly, no one."

"Oh!" James said estatically, "Was it Grace Chang?"

"No..." I replied knowing where this conversation was leading.

"Was it.... Rose?"

"No. You know what she thinks of me."

"Oh... right," he said still thinking, "Was it..."

And it went on and on, throughout the lesson. It was alright though, the teacher had nothing interesting to say, and anything that he did say, I already knew.

The Hallway

I was walking with James to my next class, him still babbling on about who I had been staring at.

The hallways were full of familiar faces.

Rose stood to the side of the hallway, just to the side of the door of my next class. Why did she have to be in ALL of my classes?

She was talking to Grace Chang and Teddy Lupin. Her sister Victorie was tugging on Teddy's sleeve, trying to pull him away from Rose.

Rose was actually really pretty. She had long wavy, red hair, freckles dusted across her cheeks, and striking blue eyes. But, she despised me. Deeply.

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