Chapter 8

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- MoonBin's pov-

I took Yuju back to the entertainment and bring her to her room,

" Rest well, we have a long training tomorrow " I said as I open the door to her room.

" What training? " Yuju asked.

" We're suppose to perform a short show for Mcountdown in 4 days and prepare the performance for tomorrow " I explained.

" Oh right the performance, what song are we composing for Mcountdown?" Yuju questioned.

" Hmmm... 'Miracle ', ' Spring time ' and ' Finding love ' " I answered.

" Oh, thanks for today " I said as she went in and closed the door behind her.

*sigh* I went back to my room and took a quick shower then throw myself on the bed.

" Yah! Get off! You're on my bed " Eunwoo shouted.

" Oh, I'm sorry " I said as I got off and go to my bed.

Why am I out of my mind today? I don't even know where my bed is.

I went to my table and turn on the light,

" It's too bright " Eunwoo complained.

" Stop complaining " I shouted back at him.

" What's wrong with you today? " Rocky asked.

" Nothing " I replied as I turn off the light and jump on my bed.

" Yah, are you okay? " Rocky questioned.

" Yeah, I'm fine " I answered as I pull my cover up and slept through the night.

-Rocky's pov-

I went to find Yuju when I bump into MJ,

" Hey! Let's grab lunch together " I said to MJ.

" I can't, I have practice for the group competitions this afternoon " MJ replied.

" Okay then " I said as I walked away to find Yuju.

She was sitting under the tree playing her guitar while singing a lovely song,

" Is that the song you're singing later? " I questioned.

" Yeah, I decided to go with my own decisions for my song and just collaborate with MoonBin's song " She answered.

" Did MJ apologize to you? " I asked her.

" Yeah, I'm still cross with that idiot " She said as she puts her guitar down and walk back in the building.

" Wanna practice together? " MoonBin asked when he saw her.

" Sure " She replied him.

" Rocky ah, I'll eat lunch with you later " MoonBin suddenly offer to eat with me after ignoring me the whole night yesterday.

" Okay, see you " I responded.

-Yuju's pov-

" Dude, practice the song we rehearsed last time " MJ told me.

" I'll do my own song for this performance and try putting it together with the other songs " I replied him giving him a fake smile.

" MJ, let's put what we all practice together with her song because it sounds really special if the lyrics are self made " Moonbin said to MJ.

" Fine, by the way when did you write the song? " MJ asked.

" While I was in the hospital because of someone " I replied him.

" Don't bring it up anymore " MJ shouted.

" Let's start practicing since the performance is tonight at 5:30pm and we still have a lot to practice " Soomin said as she sat next to me.

We practiced till 4pm when it was time to do our makeup and get dressed for the performance,

" Yuju ah, go get change and I'll see you later " Eunha said.

Sadly me and Eunha was separated in this performance.

I changed my cloths into a white dress that ends right above my knee with white heels.

" You look pretty " Moonbin said.

" Thanks " I said back.

" Is your group leader MJ? " A guy questioned.

" Yes and we are in his group " Moonbin answered.

" Okay, thank you " The guy said as he left the dressing room.

I finish putting on makeup at about 5:20pm, there was only 10 minutes left the warm up my voice. I went to the backstage guest room and start warming up my voice until I heard MJ's group was called.

My feet and hands were shaking on stage and I could only look at the wall far away.

" Miss Yuju, we heard you have a song you prepared for us today " The judge asked.

" Oh, yes it's called ' I finally found love' and I wrote it last week " I replied the judge.

" Great, can we hear it please? " The judge said.

" Yes, I'll start now " I answered him.


After the song ended, everyone started to cheer and clap for me, at that moment I finally smile and bow to the audience.

" Your voice was clear and the song had really powerful meaning, did you by any chance wrote it for someone? " The judge questioned.

" No, I wrote it for fun " I replied.

My heart kept pounding when I saw the shadow of everyone turning to me.

" Okay then, we heard well. Your group grade is an..... A " The judge said before the whole group went down the stage cheering.

" Yuju ah, Thank you so much for helping us get an A " Soomin said as she hugged me.

" No problem " I said.

" You did well " MJ compliment me.

" Thanks" Was all I could say to him.

That night,

Moonbin and I was in the Cafeteria chatting when the door suddenly locked.

" What should we do? " I questioned.

" We can't go anywhere tonight " Moonbin answered.


That's it for this chapter! Hope it's interesting and as you can see, all their relationship is getting better.....

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