Chapter 6

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Shayne returned to BlackJack's the following Monday. The weather was calm and breezy as Shayne stepped out of her silver car and stood in front of the building. She still didn't understand why she chose the job...or even why this job offer existed. The place had been closed for almost four years. A horrible accident had happened, and the main cause still lay inside the once bright congregation area.

Shayne gazed at the glitchy lamp bearing the BlackJack's logo, barely buzzing the neon lights. A nearby streetlamp illuminated the small space she stood in. The night sky above her showed dozens of bright stars. This, after all, was a quiet part of a small Ohio town. The large building was big and gray, with vines growing up the sides and cracked windows letting creepy-crawlies in. Looking above her, Shayne saw moths bounce around the streetlamp. Strange. Was it that dark earlier?

Suddenly, the building's sign shut off in a shower of sparks. Following that, the streetlamp shut off unexpectedly. Shayne felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She pulled it out, and the dim screen pleaded the warning, "Battery low!" Shayne groaned. Didn't she just have it charged?!

Muttering under her breath, Shayne made her way through the darkness to the building, and into the security office. She fell onto the chair and groaned loudly in dissatisfaction.

"Excuse you. That's kind of annoying."

Shayne jumped at the two red lights outside of her office door.

"Aah! WyldCard! What the-"

"Can't get a simple 'hello' in this place can I?" WyldCard chuckled. "Can't blame you living folks, hahaha..."

Shayne blinked. "Oh...Hi...what's up with the lights?"

"It's a little thing called Someone Didn't Pay the Bills," WyldCard said nonchalantly. He grinned. "Nah, it does this every time someone doesn't turn the lights off when she leaves for her first weekend."

Shayne blushed, embarrassed. "Oops."

"Yea, oops. Really, one light switch. Not that hard." WyldCard paused and closed his eyes. The room went dark without the only light source. Shayne gulped and realized how afraid of the dark and silence she was.


The animatronic lynx looked at her. "Yes Um Shayne?"

"Could...could you keep your eyes open...for...f-for light?"

WyldCard looked at her. "Or...We could go turn the lights on. I mean, it would only be logical, but if you're opposed to such a thing..."

"Let's get the lights on," Shayne said quickly. WyldCard grabbed her arm and smiled.

"Well then! Into the dark!"


Something's up! Does dear old Deadweed (the author) have a YouTube? That's right! I might have animated clips of this story in the future, so keep an eye out!

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Thanks for reading this far. Really. Thanks :3

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