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It's 10pm for me
It's 11pm for him
Another day and night
Of no new texts
And more unanswered calls

It is now 10:01
It took 32 seconds for my call to go to voicemail

It is now 10:02
Sometimes it takes 33
Or 37
Seconds to go to voicemail

It is now 10:03
I am consumed with the thought of him
Every time I breathe
I hear his voice in my head
Reassuring me
Telling me everything is fine

It is now 10:04
Everything is not fine
I feel fire in my fingertips
Spreading to my arms
Fueling me
Fueling the emotions I do not want
Causing feelings that only bring pain

It is now 10:05
In the span of five minutes
I've experienced more emotions
Than more people go through in several days
I have no say in what goes on in my head
Some days I ignore it
And other days
I dive in
Head first

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