Making the Leap

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It was the school holidays and Grace had left this morning for a month long visit to her dad in New York. Connie hadn't been keen but had agreed none the less, it was only fair after all. She had started work at 6am after arriving back from the airport and had thrown herself into work ever since, it was now 9pm and she could no longer concentrate. Standing up from the desk Connie dropped her phone and a few files into her handbag, she let out a sigh as she heard a knock at the door.
"Come in." She said coldly.
The door opened and Jacob walked in. "Please tell me your going home." He said looking concerned knowing full well how many hours she had put in today.
Over the last few weeks things between the two of them had become more civil, the raw emotions of their break up had dulled. Jacob's anger towards her had diminished and Connie could see he still cared, and so did she.
"I'm just heading out." She gave him a sad smile.
"If you want some company while Grace is away...there's no pressure, I'm just being friendly." Offered Jacob holding his hands up as if surrendering.
"Thank you but I don't think that's a good idea, do you?" Said Connie sounding defeated.
"I'll see you tomorrow Jacob." She added as she moved past him to the door.
"Actually I'm not in tomorrow...I've got my cousins wedding at The Country Park Hotel...sure I couldn't tempt you." Asked Jacob hopefully.
"Have fun Jacob." Said Connie has she left.

The next day

Connie wondered outside with a sandwich in one hand and a coffee in the other, she spotted Charlie sat on a bench and went to join him.
"Well hello." Said Charlie smiling. "I heard a rumour you were in today."
"Haha...I've been upstairs in meetings all morning...just popped out for some fresh air...I'm due back in half an hour." Explained Connie looking drained.
"I certainly don't envy you how are you?" He asked kindly.
"Fine I guess, missing Grace...working hard...the usual." Shrugged Connie.
"What about Jacob?" Probed Charlie.
"What about him...we broke up end of story." Said Connie feeling defensive.
"I looked like things were going well with the two of you."
Connie took a breath before she answered. "Grace asked me to put her I did...after everything that I put her through last time...I can't lose her again."
"So what your saying is, she made you choose... her or Jacob! Don't your feelings count in all of this?" Asked Charlie frowning at her.
"Please don't...I'm not going to let some guy come between me and my daughter!" Said Connie feeling the need to defend herself again.
"He's not just 'some guy' though, is he?" Countered Charlie.
Connie's head dropped as she studied her hands fiddling with the lid on her coffee cup. "No...I don't think he is, no. I'm struggling with this Charlie, I really don't know what to do..."
"Have you tried talking to Grace, telling her how you feel." Inquired Charlie.
"Of course I have...(sigh)...She can't see how I can juggle my job and a boyfriend without neglecting her...She said something will eventually have to give and she doesn't want it to be her...and I can understand what she's saying. She's probably even right on some level, we all know how I can get." Connie said.
Over by the entrance to the E.D Rita called out to Charlie that he was needed, so he stood and started moving away but stopped and turned to Connie leaving her with something to ponder. "If there's three things and one has to give, who said it had to be the boyfriend?"
Connie sat by herself on the bench nursing her coffee, the sandwich long forgotten beside her as Charlie's words kept replaying in her mind.
The crackle of a radio brought her back to the present. " park moving water..." Connie looked up to see Ian and Jez rushing to climb into their ambulance.
Without thinking she dashed over to them before they could set off. "Did I hear right? You've got a shout to The Country Park Hotel?" She asked nervously.
"Yep, some kids fallen in the river, apparently a wedding guest has gone in after them." Explained Ian as he started the engine.
'Jacob!' A voice screamed in Connie's head.
"I'm following you!" Exclaimed Connie racing to her own car, earning strange looks from Ian and Jez.

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