Making The Leap - A New Theory part five

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Grace was sleeping, she looked so carefree, so unaware of the turmoil that was weighing on her mum. Connie stood in the bathroom hands braced on the side on the sink as she looked at herself in the mirror, the person she saw she didn't recognize. Tired, mentally drained and heartbroken.
Shaking her head slightly to break the daze she was in, Connie went back to the main room to check her phone. Nothing! She had insisted that Ian be in touch every 30 minutes with an update, it had been nearly an hour.
Connie was poised to ring him herself when shouting out in the hall caught her attention, she moved quickly to the door to look through the peephole.
"Which is her room!" Boomed a hoarse voice.
"I'm not sure mate...please come and get checked out." Said another.
"Ian?" Said Connie to herself as she pulled open the door.

Out in the corridor Connie stood frozen in place.
"I need to see Connie...I need to see that Grace is ok! And then I'll come with you!" Said Jacob struggling to stay upright so he leaned heavily on the wall.
Both men had their backs to Connie so they had know idea she was there. "Connie!" Shouted Jacob as loud as he could making himself cough.
Ian moved to Jacob's side to support him and wrapped a thick blanket around his shoulders. "I told you Grace is fine, thanks too come on...we'll go to the phones in can ring her."
Connie stepped forward and let out a sob as it sank in that he was really there, alive and well.
"Jacob..." She said weakly getting the two men's attention. "Jacob."
Connie rushed to Jacob and through her arms around him. "Sweet cheeks." He whispered into her neck as he held on to her for deer life.
"I thought I'd lost you." Connie told him as tears of relief streamed down her face.
"You don't get rid of me that easily!...can I see Grace?" He asked. "Is she ok?...I didn't think I would be able to get her out..."
"She perfectly well, thank you for saving her...Come on." Said Connie taking his hand and leading him into her room.
"Gracie..." Said Connie gently touching her arm to see if she would stir.
"No you don't need to wake her." Said Jacob sitting on the end of the bed.
"She wanted me to...She's been worried about you...we both have." Connie assured him.
"Mum?" Mumbled Grace rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Have they found Jacob yet?"
"Yes sweetie." Smiled Connie.
Grace smiled to. "He's ok?" She asked, hope was building in her.
"I certainly am." Said Jacob speaking up.
"Jacob!" Squealed Grace jumping out of bed and throwing her arms around him. "I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have run away...I'm sorry you got hurt helping me and I'm mostly sorry for being so mean to you. Can we be friends again?"
"Grace I never stopped being your friend, you and your mum mean the world to me." Replied Jacob hugging her back.
Connie smiled at the scene before her, the day was starting to look up.
Ian stood patiently waiting in the doorway. "Erm...guys. Sorry to have to break this up...Jacob mate we really need to get you checked out at the hospital."
"Come on grace, let Jacob up." Said Connie holding her daughter's hand.
"Could you do me a favour?" Asked Jacob taking hold of Connie's other hand.
"Of course, anything, what do you need?" Asked Connie.
" stuff in my room...-" "We'll sort it, won't we Grace?" Said Connie and Grace nodded in agreement. "We'll get packed up and see you soon." Added Connie giving Jacob a small smile as she watched Ian escort him out.

Connie and Grace let themselves into Jacob's room. "I'll start in the bathroom said Grace." Leaving Connie to tackle the main room. She opened the draws and cupboards looking for all Jacob's belongings and placed them on the bed ready to pack. She reached into the bottom of the wardrobe, finding Jacob's rucksack that he'd haphazardly shoved in there.
Pulling one of the straps Connie retrieved the bag when she heard something drop onto the floor.
Bending down she picked up the small black box and nervously flicked open the lid with trembling hands, she gasped when she saw the beautiful ring inside. "What you found?" Asked Grace coming out of the bathroom carrying Jacob's toiletries.
"Nothing sweetie." Said Connie quickly snapping down the lid and dropping the box in the bag. "Lets get this done so we can go visit Jacob, hey?" She added gathering up the clothes she'd put on the bed as her mind whirled thinking about what she'd just found.

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