Chapter 1- Meeting Them

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Ugh! That pic of me is so ugly. But it's the best one I have. Soooo.... Onto the story.

Chloe's POV

"WAKE UP YOU STUPID SLUT!" Yup. That's what I wake up to every morning. I pulled the covers over my head and for a second I actually thought she left. Key word:thought.

The covers were yanked off my cold body. Ms. Sara dug her bony fingers into my collar bone causing me to let out a small cry.

"Please stop" I begged through my tears. She threw me on the cold hard floor and slapped me. "Don't expect any meals today cause your not getting any for what you've done" she screamed at me making sure everyone heard the slap that came after her small   speech.

My cheek was already numb and I'm sure it was purple already. She stomped out my door leaving me there to cry out in pain and go over everything that has happened ever since I got here.

After about an hour or two I got up and took a shower. I put on some black leggings and a black long sleeved shirt. I did my daily makeup which just consists of some mascara, foundation, and a little eyeliner. I tried to cover up the bruise on my cheek but it was almost impossible.

⛔️⛔️⛔️WARNING! Might be triggering to some readers⛔️⛔️⛔️

All of a sudden I heard a bunch of high pitched screams and squeals. What the hell?. I just brushed it off and went into the bathroom and took my overly used razor out of it's hiding place. I pressed it firm against my wrist and slide it across.

1 for being fat

1 for my stupidity

1 for these stupid cat ears

1 for all the teasing

1 for all the rumors

1 for being mentally unstable

1 for being physically unstable

1 for having no family

And so on......

By the time I was feeling slightly lightheaded I had cut about 20 times on each arm.

🚫🚫warning over🚫🚫

I heard a knock on my door and I emediatly panicked I quickly bandaged my arms wincing quit a bit in the process. Pulled my sleeves back down and slid a black beanie on my head.

I opened the door quickly getting ready to receive a hit for not opening the door in time but it never came. I looked up to see 5 very special boys.

My mouth opened slightly and I'm pretty sure a tear slid down my cheek. "Hey hey. Love please don't cry" Louis begged bending down to be eye level with me and wiped my tear away with the pad of his thumb.

Im 5'1" so he had to bend down quit a bit. I couldn't find any strength in my voice to talk. I opened my mouth to try and say something but nothing would come out no matter how hard I tried.

"Are you okay love?" Harry asked. "I'm sure she's just really shocked. I mean no one would just expect one direction to show up at an orphanage" Liam explained. I tried to make a smile but I don't think it was very visible.

All the boys have me sympathetic looks. "HAMBURGERS AND JELLY BABIES" Niall suddenly screamed out. I gave a small smile and giggled the tiniest bit to myself but I guess the guys heard cause they all gave me huge smiles.

"Can we come in?" Louis asked sweetly as if the smallest amount of noise could break me. I just stepped back and let them in. Ounce they saw my room they frowned which gave me the feeling they were grossed out by me. My face fell. All the hope I was holding on to just seemed to fade away.

I felt someone tap the bottom of my chin as if to tell me to look up. I didn't tho. My chin was gently gripped and tilted upwards just look into the most beautiful blue eyes. "How could someone make you live like this. In this tiny room with almost no clothes and I doubt she even takes care of you" his Irish voice rings through my ears. (I got u didn't i? U thought it was Louis didn't ya?) I gave him a sorrowful look and looked back at the ground.

"Hey hey, princess? Could you look at me please?" I looked at him like he asked. "Don't worry. You won't have to go through this torture anymore" he said gesturing around the room. I looked at him in disbelief. He gave me a soft smile and stood back up from his recent crouched position.

He held out his hand and I took it. We walked down the stairs. The boys following behind. I could feel all of the glares coming from everyone in the room but I still kept my head hung low.

He knocked on her office door and she opened it with a surprised look. "Are you sure, you want her" she said disgust clear in her voice.

"Yes, we're sure we want her. Now give me the papers" He said in a somewhat harsh tone glaring at her. She gave him the papers and he eagerly signed them. When he was done he turned to me and smiled. "Well princess, welcome to the family". "Do you have anything you want to bring with you?" Harry suddenly spoke up behind us.

I nodded my head 'no'. Niall gave me a sympathetic smile but took out his phone and dialed a number. He put the phone on speaker ad held it up to his mouth ready to speak to whoever answered.

"Hello?" A male voice rang through my ears. "Hi, um, my names Niall Horan and I just came to adopt a girl from Sunny Side orphanage and during my visit I guess you could call it, I discovered that Chloe, the girl I just adopted has been going through child neglect." He explained. Ms. Sara's face suddenly pales.

"Could you give me some examples?" "Well.. She's way underfed, has next to no clothes, and worst of all. Ms. Sara.. The owner.... Hits her. She has a giant bruise on her cheek. Appearing to be a hand print" "okay sir, could you give me a location?" "34718 Lakewood road" "okay thank you. I'll have social services at your side within the next 5 minutes". "Thank you".and that was that. She'll be arrested.

Sure enough! 5minutes later social services were here and putting Ms. Sara in handcuffs. We followed them outside were there putting her in the cop car.(idk what they drive ok?) "I will fucking kill you, you little bitch" she screamed at me right before the door closed.

The officer walked up to me and the boys and smiled sweetly. "Don't worry, she'll in jail for a loooonng time. You'll be safe and make sure you out an Ice pack on that bruise to help with the swelling." He explained smiling t me before getting in the car and driving off.

I turned around and looked at Niall. I gave him a big smile "Thank you" I said softly letting the tears fall freely. He rushed forward and scooped me up in his arms spinning me in a circle a couple times. When he set me back down on the ground he whispered a small "I love you" in my ear. I smiled again and all the boys joined In the hug.

Today actually ended with a smile. Wow! That hasn't happened for years.
I'm happy at last. But then something important dawned on me. Shit! I forgot to tell them about me being a hybrid. I pulled back from the hug and the boys looked at me curiously.

"I have a piece of information you might wanna know" "whatever it is we'll still love you" Harry assured me. I took in a deep breath and took my beanie off. My cat ears springing up almost emediatly. The guys gaped at my ears. "Oh my god. That's so....


Srry. Had to end it there it was so long. 1353 words. Ilygsm! Vote and comment. See u next chapter.

Awwwww! He's just so frucken adorable!

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Awwwww! He's just so frucken adorable!

1D Adopted A Hybrid?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora