Chapter 3: small talk

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Chloe's POV

I took in everything. There was a king sized bed against the back wall with black bedding, a giant balcony, en suit bathroom, walk in closet, and so much more. I could go on and on and on about this room. It was just wow.

I heard a slight sniffle from behind me and I turned around to be faced with 5 teary eyed boys. I chuckled softly at the over sensitive boys.

After a while of just venturing around the mansion I discovered so many things. Movie theater, inside pool, basketball court, gym, so many things and there all inside the mansion. Yea.... It's that big.

Niall lead me to the living room were there was 3 large couches along with 2 recliners plus a 60 inch flat screen tv. Wow..... Wow just wow.

I sat down on the middle couch and looked at the guys with wide eyes. "Wow... I have never felt this comfortable before" I said in amazement. They just chuckled in response.

"I have an idea... Let's play 20 questions" Harry said. A chorus 'yea's' went around the room.

It went in an order Niall, Harry, Louis, then Liam. These were things they asked.(these r all answers I would actually give so u get to know me better)

Niall: what's your favorite color?
Me: teal or black

Harry: when's your birthday?
Me: December 24. which caused Louis to scream "HEYYYYY THATS MY BIRTHDAY TOO.... CHRISTMAS BUDDIES" I just giggled at his craziness along with the others.

Louis: who's your favorite out of the 4 of us?
Me: Niall(it's true. He's just the most adorable thing EVER)which caused Louis to start fake crying. "Awwww. Come here boo bear" Harry said which made Louis smile.

Liam: what's your favorite season?
Me: winter

Niall: what's your favorite animal?
Me: penguin

Harry: favorite food?
Me: I don't know. I don't eat much. (That one was for the story I actually eat way to often. I may or may not be over weight but hey... I really love food) that made the guys frown a little.

Louis: favorite instrument?
Me: Acoustic Guitar

Liam: favorite singer/band?
Me: I started to listen to this band called 5 seconds of summer... There pretty cool and you guys too.(again for the story. I love 5sos and Green day.. That kind of stuff)

That went on for 3 more rounds. By the time we were do e it was around 6:30. "Are you hungry princess?" Niall asked. I just shrugged. He lead me to the kitchen and sat me down on a barstool in front of this huge counter fit for like 10 people

"Is there anything you would prefer?" He asked the gentlest way. "I like rice" I stated softly. He smiled. "Do you like chicken?" Harry spoke up beside me. I jumped a little cause I didn't realize the others were standing there... Well sitting there. "Sorry love... Didn't mean to startle you" he said softly. I just blushed and have a small nod in response to question.

Everyone smiled and sat down around me while Harry cooked some chicken and rice. I went me in the middle, Niall to my right, Liam to my left, Louis in front of me, and Harry would sit I front of Liam.(idk random seating)


Harry gave me a small plate of chicken and rice and smiled sweetly while the others helped themselves to whatever they could there hands on. I smiled back and stated at Niall's plate. Of coarse there was a mountain of rice and chucked on his plate I mean come on..... He's Niall.

I finished my plate with a little left over and smiled at Harry. "That was good... Thank you" I said in a small voice. The guys smiled while Harry thanked me for the compliment. Niall lead me upstairs were my room was and told me the bathroom was already stalked with shampoo, conditioner, and other essentials. I thanked him and before he could walk away I stopped him with a question.

"Do you have any clothes I could borrow for the night?" "Don't worry princess... There's some sweats and a shirt on the bed" he smiled and waked downstairs. I walked in the room and into the en suit. Took a shower and did everything I needed to do before bed and when I laid down on the soft bed I sighed content with my life for ounce.

I turned then bedside lamp off and closed my eyes preparing myself for the nightmare I'll most likely face tonight.

1D Adopted A Hybrid?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora