Chapter 2

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Aramina's P.o.V.

When my parents were asleep I snuck downstairs and into the garage. I walked to my fathers tool wall and grabbed the two hatchets. My fathers had gotten one of the hatchets yesterday so it was nice and sharp, the other one he'd had for a couple years it's blade was dull and broken from constant use. I snuck back up to my parents' room and quickly ended their lives by chopping off their heads. Once they were dead I realized what I had just done. And then I began to laugh I was finally free from the assholes that I had once called parents. Now your free go and kill the rest of them they deserve it after all they caused you to hurt. In fact why not kill them all. I smirked finally me and the voices were on the same page.

~Time Skip brought to you by: DEATH~

I was at the last house and had already killed the adults. This was the home of my worst bully, Sophie. Oh this would be fun. I would make sure that she was in so much pain before I killed her. I walked up to Sophie and covered her mouth with a cloth soaked in chloroform. She woke up and began struggling before she passed out. I dragged her down to the basement in her house and chained her to the wall. Once she was chained to the wall I hacked off her hand, effectively waking her up and getting a nice pain filled scream. I smirked at her and began my work.

~Time Skip brought to you by: Torture >:)~

A couple hours later I was finally finished. Then I heard the sirens. I checked the time on my watch. OH SHIT its 10:00 in the morning. Hmm someone must have found one of my other victims. Well I'm screwed unless I get out of here now. I hopped out the basement window right before someone ran down the basement stairs. I stopped and looked at them. When they finally looked at me I smirked at them. They screamed in horror. That just made me grin like a crazy person.

"Put your hands up." I froze and slowly turned around. There were around five cops looking at me with their guns up. I glared at them and began ticking and twitching like crazy. They ruined my fun and now it was their turn to die.

???? P.o.V.

I heard the scream and ran through the forest to find where it was coming from. I almost ran into the middle of a group of cops with their guns raised at a girl that looked a lot like me. The girl began ticking and twitching like crazy while she glared at them. She slowly stood up and lunged at one of the cops. She chopped his head off and preceded to do the same to the other cops. When she was done she ran around the side of the house and I followed her. She looked both sides of the street and ran to the right. I looked to the right and saw a girl with blonde hair running as fast as she could but the girl that had killed the cops was gaining on her quickly. Once she caught up she grabbed the other girl by the hair and threw her to the floor. She then preceded to mutilate the other girl. I stood there in the middle of the road frozen with shock. She turned around looked at me and began to charge. I pulled out my own hatchets when she was a couple feet away. When she saw them she stopped and put hers into holsters on her hips. I looked at her strangely, and she pointed to my hatchets and I realized I hadn't cleaned them in a while.

"What's your name?" I asked her curiously.

"Aramina but they all called me Twitch. So, I guess you can call me Twitch," She replied steadily.

"I'm Toby, Ticci Toby (A/N Bond, James Bond XD)" I told her my name and then asked her why there was no one out. Her eyes widened and then she looked down blushing. I looked at her suspiciously.

"Umm I sorta killed them all," She squeaked. I looked at her in shock she killed all of them in one night cause I was here yesterday and I'm pretty sure that everyone was alive. Holy shit I think I found a new pasta. I smirked. This will be fun.

"Wait how the hell did you do that?" I asked in shock.

"There were only like 98 people living here." She shrugged.

"Come on I think I know a place that you might fit in." I told her.

"'K Lets go. Just curious but is it that big mansion in the woods?" She asked. I looked at her funny.

"Umm how did you find that?" I asked curious.

"I like exploring the woods and stumbled upon it one day. Literally I stumbled into the clearing it. Either way we goin' or not." Twitch explained and ran off. I stood there for a little bit and then followed her. Whelp off to Slendy's house we go.


How do you like it am I doing a good job? Twitches profile will be next. For now though see ya'. What nickname should I give ya'll? Tell me what nickname and the best one I will use. Bye.


Aramina "Twitch" (Ticci Toby x OC)Where stories live. Discover now