Special POV

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James' POV:

There's just something off about that girl. The one with siopao cheeks. I don't know what it is, I really can't wrap my finger around it, but I'm more than determined to find out.

After Julia's little fiasco back in the cafeteria, I didn't bother following her. But then again, there's always a next time. The next time I get a shot, I won't let the opportunity go.


"Nadine, huh? That's a pretty name."

"Woah. You have the hots for her, bro?"

"No man. I just have an odd feeling about her," I run my fingers through my hair and let out an exasperated sigh. "I can't seem to shake this feeling away. And it's kind of freaking me out. I never noticed her until yesterday but damn when our eyes met? It gave me the chills."

I glanced at Bret and there he was, showing off his pearly whites with a teasing smile on his face. I shook my head and threw the nearest object there was, which was a book, right at his direction. He still managed to dodge it, as expected.

"Looks like the big bad wolf fell in love at first sight," I scoffed and gave him the 'you-have-got-to-be-fucking-kidding-me' look. What bothered me though, was when Bret's expression suddenly became serious. He's always been the type to joke and fool around about everything. This Nadine girl must really be something if she's capable of bringing out Bret's serious side.

Bret stared out into the distance, looking rather deep in thought before he spoke. "Yassi's been with Nadine ever since. And from what I know, she doesn't speak too much. I think Yassi's the only person she's ever spoken to. But those words are limited to whispers of yes or no and that's only when they're both alone. It's creepy, alright. Her background remains a total mystery. And to be honest, I've never seen someone so emotionless in my whole life. She's like a living body with an empty soul. Like she has this huge void inside of her wherein no matter how many people try to reach out and fill the void, it only gets bigger."

Bret's words leave me speechless. I'm at a loss for words. But one thing's for sure.. My drive to get to know the blank and expressionless girl only got stronger.

Nadine, I will figure you out.


Author's Note: This isn't Chapter 2. Just a special sneak peek of Jaye's POV. This will probably be the only POV he has since I find making guy POVs difficult 'cauae their minds work differently from us girls. And I'm worried I might end up making him sound gay, so savor Jaye's POV while you can my dear readers.

Love lots,

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