Chapter 6

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Author notes =)

Hey girl I’m waiting on ya, I’m waiting on ya come and tell me how you think =P, hey, how was it? You guys better comment, cuz I love comments, makes me write faster =) I wasn’t thinking of updating but then I’ve got nothing to do I decided to update, so you gotta thank me =D oh and yea, I might put in some language so it’s PG-13. Also I’m gonna dedicate this chappie to @Jze1812 thanks for rating =) nothing much more to say, so… lets just move on to the chap =)

Chapter 6

Arriana’s POV

As I drag my bag to the office, I heard the assistant talking to the boys

“Ok, so Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Malik, Mr. Payne, Mr. Horan, Mr. Styles, please sign here.”

I peeked through the door and finding the boys signing their names on the paper

“Hey” The boys shot their heads to my direction (there’s only one direction =P)

“You all ready?”

I nodded

“Cool, we can go now”

Liam walked me to the van. I walked in and found a seat to sit

“Feel at home, we are going to have a thirty minuets drive” Zayn notified me

“Sure, can I take a nap?”

“Course you can, come here” Niall was patting his chest

I snuggled up into Niall’s chest and closed my eyes

I woke up to the sound of the boys singing, it was the radio

It's everything about you, you, you

Everything that you do, do, do

From the way that we touch, baby

To the way that you kiss on me

It's everything about you, you, you (everything about you)

The way you make it feel, new, new, new

Like every party is just us two

And there's nothing I could point to

It's everything about you, you, you (everything about you)

Everything about you, you, you (everything about you)

It's everything that you do, do, do (everything about you)

It's everything about you

I joined in

Yes, I like the way you smile with your eyes

Other guys see it but don’t realize that it's m-my loving

There's something about your laugh that it makes me wanna have to

There's nothing funny so we laugh at n-n-nothing

I looked up at the boys with their jaws on the floor

“What’s wrong?” I asked

“Can you sing for us?” Why Liam?

“You can sing” Ahh, Niall you can read minds

“Yea? I’ll try then, don’t laugh at me”

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