Chapter 7

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Author notes =)

Hi ya =) having fun you guys? I’m gonna get back to school in a week time, I can’t update as much as I’m doing now, and I won’t know when I’m gonna update, so I’ll update now before I can’t. I’ll tell you guys if I’m gonna update though, so just stay tuned in and wait for my updates =)

Chapter 7

I flung my bag onto the king sized bed and grabbed a pair of shorts to change, I just like to be comfortable, no matter where and when, I don’t mind what do other people think of me, even in a house full of boys.

I’ve changed into my shorts and ran down to the living room. I ran over to Niall and jumped onto his back. He seemed to be surprised, as he was losing balance, but he had regained balance quickly.

“Hello cutie”

“Hey Snowflake”

“Snowflake? Is that a new nickname for me?”

“Yea a new nickname for Nialler Snowflake”

“Thanks Arri”

He placed a kiss on my cheeks and put me down on the floor

“Want a tour round the house before dinner?”

“Yea, sure”

He brought me to the kitchen first, the kitchen was filled with food and drinks, it smelled like the Irish snowflake, I suppose that snowflake is always here finding food to eat. Then he brought me to first bedroom. It was his bedroom, posters of One Direction were pasted around the room, the directioners are right, and there is no any bigger fan than Niall himself. The room was clean and tidy, and the walls are painted with light green and pale blue stripes. He had a pile of clothes on the edge of his king sized bed.

“Snowflake, you have a big bedroom!”

“Being jelly yea?”

“I’m never needed to be jealous at anyone. I’ve got all I needed”

He hadn’t give me any reply, but I see a goofy grin forming on his face

“Are we going? Or do I have to wait till after dinner to get to know the whole house?”

He snapped back to reality

“Oh yes sure”

He then brought me to the second bedroom. It turns out to be the bedroom of the Doncaster Master. There are a few posters of Doncaster Rovers. I even spotted himself on one of the posters. Wait, he is one of the players? I thought he was a signer, when did Louis become a football player?

“He was signed to Doncaster Rovers on a non- contract basis, he would be playing for the team if he has time”

Did I said that out loud or that snowflake can read minds?

“You said that out loud”


“Mind your words young lady”

Did I say that out loud again? I really have to change my habit of this

“I told you, mind your words”

Arghhh!!! Not again!

“Sorry, I didn’t notice that I have been thinking out loud, I didn’t mean that, could we get on with the tour?”


Next door was the third bedroom. It was Daddy Direction’s bedroom. It’s identical to the other two bedrooms, except that there are pictures of him and I suppose is his girl friend, Sophia. He had his laptop on the bed. I walked over and caught glimpse of Daddy Direction with another girl.

Niall walked closer to me “This is Danielle, Liam’s Ex-girlfriend. I thought he had moved on when he got Sophia as his girlfriend, but apparently, he didn’t” He sighed

“Aww, snowflake, Daddy Direction knows what he’s doing, lets go on with the tour please”

He led me to the next door and it revealed to be the Bradford Bad Boi’s bedroom. The walls were covered with posters of a girl band named Little Mix and pictures of Zayn and one of the members from the girl band. I walked over to the posters and immediately caught her name, it is Perrie. Zerrie, what a nice name, they should really name their children it.

“Zayn’s girlfriend is really nice”

“Yea, I’m always jelly of them, they are really close and cute together”

“Ha, Nialler is jelly of his best friend, so don’t you find a princess of your own?”

“I always wanted to, but I just can’t”

“Good luck Nialler”

I walked to the last bedroom which apparently is The Cheshire boy’s room. Curly had pictures of his family on the walls, he also had some pictures of I guess his fans. Curly have a sister about my age, I hope that I could get on with her, so that I won’t be all alone, I could have someone to talk to.

“Looking forward to meet Gemma?” Strong Cheshire accent, it’s Harry

“Sure, is she nice?”

“More than nice, I’m sure you would get along with Gemma, she’s always happy to meet new friends”


“Dinner’s ready guys!” I heard Liam’s voice from the kitchen

“Yes!” Niall did a fist pump, I rolled my eyes while following the boys to the kitchen

It was mac and cheese, I can’t deny it, it was awesome, I even asked for two helpings, it was just amazing, I could eat as much as I wanted, and it didn’t tasted like dog shit, I cannot be even more grateful.

“Can I go to sleep?” I said while rubbing my eyes, this is quite an eventful day and I’m really exhausted

“Sure sleepy head see you in the morning”

The boys and I exchanged goodnight kisses and I walked up to my bedroom door, I fell asleep in no time.

Arghh no! No! Not me, not me please! Please! I don’t deserve it! Please…

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