Chapter 15

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Author’s notes =)

Much to my surprise, someone asked me to UPDATE =)  I really had never thought that someone would put an update comment =P So, this book had actually conquered my mind for the past few days, I’m so sorry I hadn’t updated last weekend and the one before it, I was too busy. I was supposed to update yesterday, as I had a holiday, but not so surprising, I was too lazy to move my ass to do my homework, so I had to do everything in one day =P I love ya guys so much, too bad I don’t have someone to dedicate this chap, comment or follow, I’ll give you a shout out on one of my books  =D Have a nice day =)

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Love ya loads =)



Chapter 15

Arriana’s POV

Here comes the boy’s girlfriends, the surprise was already a week, and we had so much fun together, just fooling around and joking around. We even had pranked Paul, their manager. Luckily, we wasn’t in a trouble, Paul was just too nice.

I had woken up early just to be 100% perfect so I would give out a good first impression to the boy’s girlfriends. I had googled up their styles and I decided a cross over. I picked out a shirt with a pink heart printed on it, then a pair of faded blue jeans, I grabbed a leather coat from my dresser and put it on. I had dyed my hair dark brown yesterday. I curled my hair and left it down. Now, I must admit that I really do look like Eleanor.

“Hey Arri, are you ready yet?” Louis shouted from downstairs

“Yea! Give me a second!” I shouted back

I gave one last look towards the mirror and raced down the stairs towards the living room.

“Hey Hazza, where’s the other boys?” I looked around the room but only Harry was there

“Zayn, Lou and Liam are going to pick their girlfriends, Niall is in the kitchen, stuffing his mouth with food.” Harry replied

“Typical Niall” I laughed

I walked into the kitchen looking at Niall stuffing his mouth with cupcakes

“Hey Niall flake” I greeted him

“Hey Arri flake” He greeted me back

“Are you having fun stuffing your mouth with cupcakes”

“Yea, sure am”

“I want some”

“No, these are all for me” I pouted

“Please Niall, pretty please” I begged


I gave him my puppy eyes I know that he couldn’t resist

“Please Arri, alright, just stop those puppy eyes”

“Yay!” I grabbed 3 cupcakes from the plate and stuffed it into my mouth

“I’M BACK!!!” Louis’s voice echoed from the living room

“Hey Lou”

“Let me introduce, this is Eleanor, my girlfriend” Louis pointed to the girl behind him

“Hi, my name’s Arriana” I reached out my hand for a handshake

“Arriana? Can you spell your name for me?” Eleanor asked wide - eyed

I nodded

“It’s A-R-R-I-A-N-A, Arriana”

“Oh my god, no wonder you look so much like me! I’ve been finding you for years, and you are just right in front of me!”

“Huh?” Seriously, I’m confused

“Sorry, let me explain. I was notified that I had a sister, but she was given up for adoption, it was 3 years ago, I tried so hard to find you, I had gone through all the adoption center, orphanage, caring home, but there was no news about you. Well, I guess I missed yours.” She started to sniffle

“So, you are my sister?”

She nodded her head

“I’m so sorry Arriana, I should have stopped my parents when they had decided to give up you” Her guilt was obvious from her voice

“No it’s ok, I understand, but I am still confused, why did they decided to give me up?” I asked

She shook her head, tilting towards Louis, mouthing “I’ll tell you later”

I nodded my head and let it go

“Hey Lou, where’s Zayn and Liam?”

“They said they would be coming soon” He shrugged

“Hey guys, we’re back!” Shouted Liam as he entered the room

“Hi Liam, hi Zayn, who are those beautiful ladies behind you?” I peered

“Oh, sorry, this is Danielle, my girlfriend” He pointed to the curly haired girl

“And this is Perrie, my girlfriend” Zayn added, pointing to the blondie

“Hi, my name’s Arriana, the boy’s sister/daughter, and I just found out I’m Eleanor’s sister too” I greeted them

They pulled me into a hug and pulled away

I looked towards the boys, they seem to look confused

“Eleanor’s sister?” Liam asked

“Well, it’s a long story, I’m confused too, but I’ll get more information and tell you guys later” I told them

“So, instead of staying here in the house, why don’t we do something outside?” Louis suggested

I nodded my head

“Let’s go to the park!” I shouted

“Any disagreements?” Liam asked

No one made any disagreements, so we decided to go to the park

I packed a picnic and grabbed a frisbee just incase we wanted to play

“Let’s go!” Louis shouted

“Yay! I smell food Arri, what’s in there?” Niall noisily asked

“None of your business, you’ll know later Niall”

He pouted, aww he’s so cute when he pouts

“Stop being so slow, we’ll never get to the park if you stay there!” Harry shouted from the door

“Fine, we’re leaving now!” I hollered back

Niall grabbed my wrist and we ran to the the park

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