Chapter Six-- The Shield's Back, Wyatts

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~Dean's POV~

"Time to go crazy." I snarled as Roman, Seth, and I awaited the time that we got to interrupt the Wyatt's match. Energy pulsed through my veins that I hadn't felt in a few years. It was the feeling of finally being with my brothers again. I hated to admit it, but I did miss the Shield.

"Calm down, Dean. We gotta play it cool." Seth remarked, crossing his arms.

"Keep it cool? Man, the Shield does not keep it cool. We never did." I shook my head, laughing at Seth.

"Another reason I left." He scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Hey, don't think your whole betrayal thing is going under the wraps. We've got our eyes on you, man." I reminded him, giving him a suspicious look. Sure we were all getting along, but Seth still betrayed the brotherhood.

"Guys, we're about to go on." Roman caught both of our attention.

"Lead the way, brother." I smiled, pounding my right fist into my open, left palm.

The lights to the entire arena went black. The three of us jogged out and stood only a few feet from the ring. The lights came back on and the crowd immediately started cheering and freaking out.

I lifted my mic to my lips. "Cute moves, Wyatts." I nodded to them, putting on a fake smile. "But, I have a feeling the only reason your beating anyone around here is because you've forgotten the feeling of fear three war machines gave you..." I looked at Seth and Roman, a smirk on my face.

Seth was the next to speak. "There's been a lotta rumors going around about the hounds of justice lately. So, we came to settle them ourselves."

  "The Shield is back and we've already chosen our first target. We're starting a war, Wyatts, and you're gonna be the shot heard around the world." Roman spoke with such dominance it made me proud. Haha I'm crazy. Yes, yes you are, Ambrose. Who said that? Okay, now I'm talking to myself in my head. Shut up! Oh gosh.. I focused my attention back on the arena as the darkness filled it and we exited.

We got backstage and were immediately pulled into a hug by Casey. "That was so awesome!!" She shouted, pulling away and grinning widely.

I froze. What the heck is wrong with this woman? "...Are you bipolar?" I tilted my head some.

"Nope, just a major Shield fan girl." Casey laughed. "Now, get freshened up for dinner." With that said, Casey marched out. I glanced over at Seth and Roman and automatically felt rage overwhelm me as Seth was watching Casey leave. He's checking out my sister?!

"Watch it, man." I warned, giving him a sharp glare.

"What?" Seth looked slightly annoyed at my reaction which just ticked me off even more.

"You were checking out my little sister, Rollins!" I yelled, getting in his face.

"So what? Dolph basically had his hands all over her earlier anyway..." Seth muttered the last part loud enough for me to catch.

A fury like no other was spreading all over my body. "What?" I asked, voice tensed.

"He asked her out to dinner and gave her his number when she said she was going out with us tonight. So, think about it, would you rather have bleach head have her or me?" Seth crossed his arms, awaiting my answer expectantly.

I growled at him. "Neither of you are allowed to lay a finger on my little sister, Seth. Get that through your two-toned head." I shoved past him and stormed out. There is no way any scum bag guy in this place is getting his hands on Casey. She's way too good for anyone here.

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