Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

Hello friends.

Thank you all who have decided to give my book a little of your valuable time. I will really work hard not to diappoint you.

The text in bold is author's notes, normal ones are the present, and italics are the flashbacks.

This is my first short story. So please go a bit easy on me please.



It was time for little Suzie to go to bed.

Martha picked up her 5 year old daughter in her arms and head off to Suzie's bedroom. Her little bedroom was quite pretty. It had a small bed, cute girly wallpaper, a cupboard which was supposed to be full of toys and dolls but now was empty, because they were currently lying all over the floor, a desk which on which were a few pieces of paper full of cute scribbling of the five year old, and a very large glass window which was staring right into the clear starry night. Not only stars, but also at Jupiter and Saturn.

Martha tucked Suzie into bed, and pulled her blanket up to her chin. She kissed her forehead. "Good night baby."

Suzie pouted into a cute little face and said "I am not sleepy."

"But it's already 9 o clock." Martha said playfully to her daughter. "And what comes at 9 o clock?"

"Bedtime." Suzie answered sweetly.

"Good girl." Martha said, kissing her forehead again. "Now go to sleep."

"Mommy can I ask you a question?" Suzie said, pulling up her blanket a bit more.

"Yes my angle." Martha said.

"What is earth?"

At that question, the smile on Martha's face fell.

Suzie noticed it.

"What is it Mommy? Did I say something wrong?" Suzie asked.

"No dear." Martha said smiling at her daughter, playing with her hair. Suzie giggled a bit.

Suzie loved when Martha played with her hair. She says it was ticklish, but felt nice.

"You wanted to know what earth was right?" Martha asked.

Suzie nodded her head in reply.

"Well earth is a planet, like Saturn and Jupiter you see outside your window." Martha said, still playing with Suzie's hair. "It is a small blue and green planet, and it is really beautiful."

"Have you ever been to earth mommy?" Suzie asked, yawning.

Martha laughed at the question.

"Of course baby. Mommy was born on earth."

"Wow mommy, you are so cool."

And these were the last words of little Suzie before she fell asleep.

Martha let out a deep breath and looked out of the window. Crystal clear night, the stars were like tiny diamonds shining in outer space. And Jupiter and Saturn were like the crown jewels.

It was really a beautiful sight.

Yes beautiful, but it didn't feel like home.

Martha got up from Suzie's bed and walked up to the window. She touched the cold glass. Only a piece of glass was separating her from the infinite expansion of outer space. The thought was itself amazing. But still it felt all wrong.

Memories Of Earth (#Wattys2016#JustWriteIt #EarthLove)Where stories live. Discover now