Chapter 3: Confessions

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 { Ch. 3: Confessions }

   I'm on my way home with Riley. And guess what? Riley kept on teasing me of what happened earlier! Yeah, it was surely embarassing but ugh. I hate you Riley McDonough..

  "Phoebe, if you could only see what's the look on your face it's just like, hahahahaha!" Riley said, laughing his head off. Ugh, he's just so annoying sometimes.

   "Can you please shut up?!" I said annoyingly. I just can't help it! I started to walk away from him.

   I can feel that he's following me, "Hey Phoebe!" Then he ran to my side, "I was just joking!"

  "But you're annoying me," I narrowed my eyebrows.

   "Aw c'mon Phoebs," Riley said with his puppy eyes. 

   I rolled my eyes, "Ugh, I hate you!" I said and walked away from him again.

   "Fine!" Riley said and threw his hands on the air. "I just hope you'll be safe walking on your way home, maybe they're some bad guys over there or some creepy creature who'll come in your way..."

   There he is, the same old Riley. He knew my weakness.

   Even though I'm still not sure of walking all by myself at 6 in the evening, I still manage to answer him, "F-fine!" then I started walking along the road.

   As I was walking along the road, alone, I heard guys talking and laughing and smoking. They looked drunk. They're like coming on my way. I start to shiver. Instead of going straight where I supposed to go, I went back to the way where Riley and I were still together.

   I was frightening. I don't know what to do. I walked fast and acted normal as I could and I can't help it! I was panicking and started to run.

   I was running and shortly after,  someone grabbed me on the side and hide near the tree. I was sweating rapidly. The man covered my mouth and squeezed me.

   "Let me go!" I cried. I'm in tears now. I'm sweating so hard.  I feel like I was about to collapse.

   "Shuuush, I'm here," The man whispered softly to my ear. The voice sounded familiar, and I looked up to face who's the man.


   "Holy molly, Riley!" I hugged him tightly. I feel so secured when I am with him. He always protect me.

   "Shuuush, don't cry," Riley hugged me tightly. I'm such a cry baby, I know. "I'm sorry on what happened earlier, okay?" and I nodded. "Now fix yourself, I'll take you home,"


   While walking on our way home, we're not talking that much like we used to be. It's awkward though. Maybe it's all about what happened earlier. It's not a bestfriend-like. It's like there's something.

   "Hey Riley," I said, "Thanks for the treat, and..." I paused.

   "And...?" Riley said

   "I'm sorry for what happened earlier," I manage to smile, but it's an awkward smile. Riley smiled at me goofily. I playfully punched his arm, "Hey, it's all your fault!"

   "My fault? Am I the one who used to be scared from creepy creatures and managed to walk all by himself at night?" Riley crossed his arms.

   That's it, 'cuz he's obviously talking about me. "Ugh, fine," I said "Bye Riley,"

   "W-wait!" Riley said

  "What?" I said trying not to sound irritated at all

   "I need to tell you something," RIley said and faced me. He looked into my eyes and took a deep breath, "I li-'

   "PHOEBE!" Luke stormed in the front porch that made Riley and I literally jumped. "Where did you go?!"

   "It's none of your business!" I rolled my eyes. Riley is standing there awkwardly.

   "What again?" I asked going back where he's going to tell me something.

   "Oh," Riley scratched the back of his head, " Nevermind, maybe I'll tell it to you sometime,"

   "Ugh fine," I said, "I think you better go, Joan is probably looking for you right now,"

   "Right," Riley said with a smile, "So, see you at school?"

   "Yep," I smiled, "Bye," I said and headed my way to the front door.

♡ Riley's POV: ♡

   As I walk inside our house, I found myself beaming. I just spent another day with Phoebe.

   "Someone looks happy tonight, eh?" Connor teased "Spill it out, dude!"

   "Shut up Connor, it's none of your business," I said stucked my tongue out.

   "Connor is right, Riley," Toby said, "Mind sharing it to your brothers?"

   I scratched the back of my head, "I just hung out with Phoebe, like what we used to be, that's all,"

   "But your smile, it's like something really happened, that's not like what both of you used to do," Connor said and fist bumped Toby. Sometimes I just hate being the middle child in the family.

   "I got so much close to her," That's the only thing that I said. I saw their eyes widened. "So, you like Phoebe?" Toby asked sounding really excited or whatever.

   "I don't know..." I simply answered. "So there's a chance that you like her, huh?" Connor asked.

   "Huh? Wh-what? Me? Phoebe? Ow c'mon! She's just my bestfriend." I said trying to sound like there's really nothing about my feelings for her, "Sorry I just hallucinated," I said and immediately made my way upstairs.

   I immediately lie on my bed and stared blankly on the ceiling. I replayed in my head all what happened earlier with Phoebe. I remembered when I got so much close to her face. All I want to do is to kiss her. Her lips looks so moist and kissable. Her eyes are mesmerizing. She's just so... perfect.

   Stop it Riley, you cannot like your bestfriend. Maybe there's no chance that she'll like you too. Maybe there's someone already in her heart.

   I covered my face with my blanket to snap out my thoughts about Phoebe. I know this is not right. I should forget all what I feel about Phoebe as soon as possible.

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