Chapter Five

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After class, I put my books in my backpack and walk out of the classroom. Dennis follows right behind me.

"What a surprise that we would have a class this year huh?" he tells me as we walk to my locker.

"Yeah, I wonder why all of a sudden we have a class now, and not in the years before?"

"Maybe they just wanted me to get to know you better," he smiles at me.

Was Dennis just flirting. I'm trying to breath when we get to my locker and he leans on the one beside me.

"Maybe," I tell him as one of his friends comes up to him giving him some kind of handshake and then he turns to me. He then gives me a wide grin that is kind of creepy.

"Oh Den Den, who is this?" his friend asks putting his arm around Dennis.

"She's just a friend Leo. Now scram,"

"But I want to know this babe that's hogging Den Den all to herself. What's your name?"

"Leiah, now leave," Dennis pushes him away. Leo leaves and waves at me.

"Bye Leiah!" he shouts down the hall.

"Bye," I laugh waving.

Dennis turns to me smiling embarrassed. "Sorry about my friend, he's..."


"Sure, let's say that."

We're smiling at each other, and at that moment, I feel amazing. Dennis Owens, the most known person at school is spending passing period talking to a nobody like me.

"So what's your next class?" I ask.

Dennis takes out his schedule and looks at it "English. Sounds fun," He says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "What about you?"

"History. I hate learning about dead people,"

"Same here. I don't get why some people are even in the History book. Some don't even do anything to change the world, yet they get a page and a half of information that's wasted 5 minutes of my life I will never get back,"

I give Dennis a slow clap that exceeds louder. He waves and bows, "Thank you, thank you,"

We start walking when Dennis asks me, "So are you going to the rally?"

"Umm... I don't know, maybe? I know that Antoinette is going to make me go, but it's not really my thing,"

"Well they are fun. I hope you can go. I would love to see you there," He gives me one of those heart stopping smiles.

We get to my class and we stare at each other for a second. He looks like he's about to do something then hesitates and just waves. He walks away and I'm standing at the door waving back. I realize that people are waiting to get inside so I hurry in and grab a seat in the middle of the classroom. I'm getting out my notebook when I hear loud laughter by the door. I look up and see Leo handshaking these guys as he comes inside.

"Everyone take a seat," the teacher says.

Leo looks around and when he spots me he sits in the seat right next to mine.

"Hey, your Leiah right? Your Dennis's hot new girlfriend?" he gives me another one of those creepy smiles.

I smile at him. He thinks I'm Dennis's girlfriend.

"I'm not his girlfriend," I blush.

Yet, I think.

"Oh, I thought you were since that's all he was talking about at the party,"

"Party? The one last week?"

"Yeah, were you there?"

"Yeah, I left early because my friend had to get home," I look surprised and ask, "Dennis talked about me?"
"Yeah, I figured it was you by your name. He was talking about you all night long. I figured that you were his girlfriend or something,"

"What did he say?"

"How you were astonishing, and beautiful and such an amazing person. The best girl he ever meet,"


I'm surprised that Dennis thought all that about me.
Leo looks at me, then burst out with laughter. "No, no he didn't say all that, but he did talk about how you were really cool, and he wished you had stayed longer,"

I smile. "Aww, well that's sweet. Tell him thanks,"

"Sure. So, you coming to the rally?"

I shake my head, " Nah, I don't really think-"
"No!" he shouts.

A couple of people turn around and stare at us.

"No?" I say looking around.

"Yes no, you are going to the rally! It's going to be really fun and plus everyone loves the rallies!"

"Really? I've never been to one-"

"You haven't been to a rally?" he asks shocked.

"No, I don't really have a lot of school spirit,"

"Well I can tell," He laughs, "You should go, I bet you that Dennis would love it if you'd be there,"

I think a lot about what Leo said. If I had that much fun with Dennis at his party, then I might have more fun with him at the rally. And also, what am I going to do on a friday night anyways?

"Yeah, I think I'll go,"

He smiles and says, "Because of Dennis? Because you loveeeee him?" he grabs my binder from my desk and draws a heart with the words Dennis + Leiah inside of it.

"Oh my gosh Leo, stop! I totally don't!" I laugh snatching my binder back. "He's nice. And even if I did, why would I tell you? I barely even know you,"

"Well you can get to know me. I can already tell that we'll be great friends! I'll even tell you dirty secrets about Dennis,"

"Oh gosh Leo, I don't want to know,"

I have a feeling that sitting by Leo is going to be adventuresome, and fun. 

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